New Moon December 29th
The New Moon December 2016 in Capricorn holds trumendous energy for making your dreams come true. It comes during a Mercury Retrograde time so we are called to slow down and pause, allowing true insights flow thorough in the stillness. When we slow down we gain insight to our what our dreams are and how to reach them. This is the last new moon of the year, and we are called to reflect upon the new year. New moons bring great energy for starting new projects or routines, so this is the ideal time to take out that journal and make your New Year's resolution list! May all your dreams come true and may you hold fast to your new year's promises in 2017!
For this New Moon's listings, I chose to work with amethyst, hypersthene, hematite, sunstone, labradorite, green aventurine,and smoky quartz. I have 5 new creations to share this New Moon.

I would like to give a special thank you to this new moon's model, Ashley Oliver. I met Ashley through working at the Bauer Building. She is a photographer herself and works with
Jenny Wheat, one of Kansas City's talented commercial photographers. During the photoshoot, she gave me some major photography pointers. Ashley might be small in stature, but she's actually really strong. She was a body builder in highschool. That solid jasper globe is not easy to hold for long periods of time! Ashley was a delight to work with and we really had a great time during this photoshoot. It was shot at
2016 Main Event Space thanks to my awesome friends, Pat and Jodi who let me use their beautiful space.
Jodi Vander Woude is an incredible photographer as well, she specializes in weddings and some commercial. She's my mentor and I love working with her. It was really cool how so many photographers came together for this photo shoot. It was a photographer's dream come true! I hope everyone's dreams come true this December 29th New Moon!