Gigi News
July 23rd New Moon in Leo Part One July 24, 2017 08:37
Happy New Moon Listings!

This New Moon, July 23rd, marks the beginning of Leo, a fire sign that seeks to evoke our inner passions and stoke our creative flames. This is a Two Part Leo New Moon series, with the second half taking place in the Third House of Leo on August 21st, which is also an intense Solar Eclipse!

Here's what some of my favorite astrologers have to say about this New Moon:

Although this New Moon is focused on the King of the Jungle, I found myself focusing on the Bird of the City. Pigeons. I had taken this beautiful bird for granted most of my life until I got engaged to my husband in 2013. He loves pigeons, they're one of his favorite animals. I found this to be so sweet, as he is always rooting for the underdog in any situation. I then became more aware of the pigeons around me. They're gathered on wires and buildings all over the KC Crossroads and downtown. I find myself taking photos of them on their city perches. I see them as regal creatures, looking out over their urban domain with pride.

I recently had the pleasure to meet a baby pigeon named Dino, prounounced 'Dean' - 'O'. He was injured and placed in the care of Jack, who fostered him back to health and is now proud owner of the Dapper Dino. Dino became far too socialized to let loose in the wild and needed a good home. Pigeons are very loyal and make great pets. They become attached to their owners and eventually can be trained to always return back to them. They're very loving pets and like to cuddle and love being pet, and Dino is no exception.

When Jack brought Dino over for the photo shoot, and it was such a delight to be in his presence. We locked up my cats and let him fly around and get aquainted. He took turns landing on our heads and shulders and walking around the apartment. When we put the necklace on him, you could tell it made him happy! Pigeons love shiny things and Dino pecked at the necklace a few times in approval. Dino is used to wearing, "pigeon pants" which work as a leash harness (and diaper) so he is used to having things around his chest and neck.

The pigeon necklace is made with Labradorite and brass and is surrounded by Apatite, Pearl, Black Onyx and Coral. All the stones were carefully chosen to match the colors of pigeons. The photo above is a stock image of an adult male pigeon and it displays the beautiful mauves/magentas and teal colors of their neck and chests.

Dino is only 3 months old so he's just now beginning to grow those colorful feathers. He had a few teal ones growing already but his neck is still mostly grey. Jack thinks the necklace makes Dino look like a Game of Thrones character. I agree, it makes him look very regal and wise. Here's a little photo Trio of Dino being held by Jack, wearing his new necklace.

Dino got to take his necklace home and I hope he wears it on special occasions and enjoys its shinyness. I don't know what compelled me to make jewelry for a pigeon other than my own amusement, but Dino truly loved it and that makes me so happy!

As I was writing this blog sitting on my front porch, I heard a pigeon cooing across the street. I found that to be serendipitous, as I don't recall hearing a pigeon from our porch before. Our trees are dominated by cardinal families so we're blessed with their melodies. It reminded me to look up the animal medicine meaning for Pigeon. I'm not surprised that they represent peace and love, among many other awesome things.






Thank you, Dino, for making this New Moon so special with your peaceful presence and loving spirit. And, of course, with your dapper looks!

Thank you, Laurie Ray, for lending your beauty to this New Moon's listings. I hope everyone has a lovely New Moon and enjoys this creative and passionate Leo energy.