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Full Wolf Blood Super Moon Total Lunar Eclipse January 2019 January 20, 2019 13:58
Happy Full Wolf Blood Super Moon Total Lunar Eclipse!

This Full Moon is in Leo and peaks at 9:16pm PTZ. The Total Lunar Eclipse peaks at 9:12pm PTZ tonight, almost the exact same time. So set your intentions as this energy will be potent! What awesome energy to start out this new year. This Full Moon was traditionally called the "Wolf Moon" by the natives due to the cries of hungry wolves heard around this time of the year. This one is a blood moon, and the moon will actually turn a blood red hugh during the eclipse. This is partially why I chose to use Bloodstone for this month's Lunar Oracle art. In addition to all of this celestial activity, today we also move out of Earthy Capricorn into Airy Aquarius. There's a whole lot going on today!

Here's what my favorite astrologers have to say:
Here are a few articles on the Eclipse:

Bloodstone is the "Stone of the Spiritual Warrior", and it's extremely protective and healing. It encourages selflessness, generosity, idealism and upholding of justice. Bloodstone also helps one to increase their spirituality and intuition. It's extremely grounding and calming and is especially helpful for sensitive types and empaths. Bloodstone is also known as a stone of noble sacrifice. It inspires people to take the moral and right action. In the middle ages, the red spots were thought to be the blood of Jesus Christ. Warriors for centuries have carried Bloodstone into battle for protection. It encouraged bravery and was used for its blood coagulation abilities to stop wounds from bleeding out on the battlefield. Bloodstone inspires courage and boosts self esteem. It's a great purifier and helps to heal both physical and emotional wounds. Bloodstone helps to regulate blood pressure and is great for the physical heart. It helps to overcome addictions and patterns that are self destructive. Bloodstone is used to purify and detoxify the body. Its grounding energy helps clear away negativity. Bloodstone is both a Root and Heart Chakra stone and works to connect the lower three Chakras with the Heart Chakra. It heightens creativity and helps you to live in the present moment. Bloodstone helps to see situations clearly and to make better decisions. It lessons anger and aggressiveness and provides a calming sense of peace and a message of love.

Wolf is a symbol of guardianship, freedom and loyalty. Wolves must rely on quick instinct and sharp intuition to survive in the wild. Wolf helps us tap into our own intuition to see through any veils of mistrust. Wolf helps one to overcome their fear of mistrusting others. It helps us to set clearer boundaries for ourselves and protect our energy levels. Wolves work in packs and understand that healthy community is important for happiness and survival. Wolf also understands the need to break free from the pack from time to time to regroup and work on our own spiritual and mental well being. Call upon wolf when it's time to take peaceful action to stand up for what you believe in.

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Use Code: FullWolfBloodMoon
$25 Minimum
Sale ends Sunday, January 27th!

I'm heading to the Tucson Gem Show January 30th - February 6th to stock up on gemstones for the year! So, I'm having a sale! I haven't offered this low of a discount in years and you have a whole week to shop. Stay tuned to my Instagram and Facebook as I post new products every day!

Have fun howling at the moon tonight!!! Love and Light!