Gigi News
August 7th Full Moon Solar Eclipse August 30, 2017 09:42
Happy Belated Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse
According to the Farmer's Almenac, this moon was called the 'Sturgeon Moon'. "The fishing tribes are given credit for the naming of this Moon, since sturgeon, a large fish of the Great Lakes and other major bodies of water, were most readily caught during this month. A few tribes knew it as the Full Red Moon because, as the Moon rises, it appears reddish through any sultry haze. It was also called the Green Corn Moon or Grain Moon."

Monday's full moon was also a partial lunar eclipse and its effects were powerful. With the Sun in fiery Leo and the Moon in watery Aquarius, this one was intense! It had me in an incredilbly reflective state, and I had a hard time focusing my energy on anything else. Hence, the tardiness of this blog. Eclipses bring about sudden change, so my of us experienced some major shifts over the past few days. Eclipses have a way of ripping away things that are no longer serving us, leaving us feeling vulnerable and out of control at first. But eclipses have a funny way of knowing what's best for us. Perthaps as we let the dust settle, we'll find that this was JUST the change we needed.

Here's what a few of my favorite astrologers have to report:

For this Full Moon, I decided to add some of the Unisex pieces I've recently made to my Etsy shop! I post all one of a kinds there and you can follow the links to below to purchase them. These Unisex necklaces are all on thick antique brass or silver chain with larger lobster clasp closures.








August 21st Total Solar Eclipse of the Sun
This eclipse's path of totality goes 45 minutes north of my hometown, Kansas City.
The last total solar eclipse viewed from contiguous United States was on Feb. 26, 1979 whose path passed through the northwestern U.S. states and Canada. After this total solar eclipse, the next annular solar eclipse that can be seen in the continental United States will be on October 14, 2023 which will be visible from Northern California to Florida. Following this, a total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024 visible from Texas to Maine.

I consider myself so lucky to be a part of this event on the day of the Solar Eclipse! All my New Moon listings will be available and I'm making some one of a kinds in honor of the Eclipse. This is a sold out event but I will blog about it!

I'm coming to CHICAGO!
I'm popping up at Squasht Boutique for a Happy Hour event on Friday, August 25th!
Happy Belated Full Moon!
Love and Light to you all and my the Eclipse season treat you well.