Happy Full Moon!
Crab and Emerald
According to,
spirit-animals.com, Crab teaches us that it's, "Time to come out of your shell and be yourself. Stop hiding.
rab symbolism is reminding you that not all paths lead directly to your personal goals. In other words, sometimes a sideways approach is necessary. Therefore, you must shift your focus to what is all around you because your inner senses are trying to guide you through an easier way. Alternatively, crab meaning can be reminding you that community is vital for growth. However, equally important is a time of introspective seclusion. Thus you need to know when to withdraw and discern what is right for you.
Moreover, crab symbolism can also be letting you know that it is crucial to nourish your curiosity on all levels. In fact, the exploration of the world around you leads to discovering new horizons and vibrant life."
Emerald is a stone of true love and loyalty. It promotes forgiveness and understanding, friendship and faithfulness. Emeralds also strengthen intuition and clairvoyance. Emerald brings emotional, physical and spiritual balance.
Happy Belated Full Moon!
According to the Farmer's Almenac, August's full moon was the time that sturgeon and other fish were plentiful to catch. Here are some links to my favorite websites about the full moon:

I chose Squid as this month's lunar spirit animal because I encoutered one in the Pacific Ocean a day before the full moon. My friend scooped it up out of the ocean and it squirted water on me. It started out white but turned this red color after a minute of being held. I took this photo right before we set him free. According to ourangelsguidance.ca ,"Squid guides movement and productivity at night and aids in finding what is hidden. As with Octopus, the art of camouflage is important. She teaches adaptability to situations and concealment until the moment is right. Squid aids and balances the emotional realm. Communication may include light and color at this time. Is it time to fulfill or embark on artistic endeavors? She will show how to be aware with the skill of retreat. Curious and observant, Squid medicine helps in transitioning between the un/subconscious worlds leading you to explore more facets of your spiritual being."
Rose Quartz is THE stone for love of all kinds. It attracts romantic love, enhances self love and platonic love. It is the stone of unconditional love. It can also help create a closer bond with your partner, family and friends. A Heart Chakra stone, it works to open the heart to trust, hope, forgiveness and harmony. Physically, it helps to lower blood pressure. Rose Quartz combats jealousy, anger and resentment for others. It also promotes forgiveness and empathy. Rose Quartz has a calm and soothing energy and is the best stone to help heal a broken heart. It is also useful for all types of emotional healing. Rose Quartz can also help to relieve headaches when placed upon the Third Eye. Rose Quartz assists us in accepting that change is necessary and to help us love ourselves while going through transitions.

40% OFF now through Thursday at midnight!
Discount applies automatically at checkout.
Normally $15 for a 3ml bottle of essential oil and gemstone perfume, now only $9!
Miniature Gemstone Perfume Bottle Necklaces - 40 % OFF
Normally $70, now only $42
40% off now through Thursday at midnight!
Each Perfume Necklace comes with a minature pipette and bottle to transfer perfume into the stone pendant.
40% off all Chakra Gemstone Necklaces
Normally $25 - $40
Discount applies at checkout, sale ends Thursday at nidnight!
Join us this Friday in Astoria, OR for a celebration of The Dark Crystal, Age of Resistance!
Stay tuned to my Instagram for Dark Crystal Themed jewelry!
Love and light to you all!
XO - Garnet
Happy Full Super Snow Moon in Virgo
The full super moon in the Earth sign of Virgo peaked this morning, February 19th, at 7:54am PTZ. We entered the watery sign of Pisces today as well. The February full moon was traditionally called the Snow Moon by the Native Americans as February typically gets the most snowfall of all the months each year. A super moon happens when the moon is closest to the earth. This lunar month's Spirit Animal and Gemstone Art features Roly Poly and Pearl. You can buy a
5x5 print.
"This Super Full Moon is also potent as it falls at zero degrees of Virgo. Zero is the number of potential and limitless opportunities. Zero is the blank canvas of all creation, signaling that this Full Moon is really going to offer infinite potential."
"February’s Full Moon is going to help us realize our potential and also the potential around us, it is also going to open us, broaden our horizons, and encourage us to open our minds and hearts to something beyond our current reality."
To really benefit from the potency of this super full moon, try her
Full Moon Ritual tonight.
Here's what my other favorite astrologers have to say about today's Super Full Moon:
Roly Poly, also known as Pill Bug, is my spirit animal choice for this Full Moon. I should rather say that it chose me, as the one in the artwork literally walked acorss my jeweler's bench and cast its shadow on my hands while I was working on a project. It's shadow made it look menacing and huge but when I looked up, it was just a little old Roly Poly. I used to love playing with these harmless little "bugs" when I was a kid. I would gently nudge them with a twig to make them roll up like an armadillo into a little ball of protective armour. After such a serendipitous meeting in my new studio, I immediately researched Roly Poly spirit animal meaning online and learned that Roly Poly’s are not insects, but in fact, crustaceans, like crab, shrimp, barnacles, lobster and krill. They are the only crustacean that lives on land.
Roly Poly’s message is to go PLAY! Reclaim your inner child. Live IN THE MOMENT! We all must work but play is also a must for rejuvination, self love and emotional health. Roly Poly asks us to balance both aspects of life. Roly Poly reminds us to protect ourselves from those who don’t have our best interest in mind. They remind us that we can have clear protective "armour" when we set clear boudaries. The remind us to embrace who we are, to have self confidence and to stand in our power.

I chose pearl because it popped in my mind. When I saw we were entering Pisces today, I felt like it was perfect. Pearl symbolizes innocence, faith and purity. It resonates with the sacral and heart chakras. Pearls are known as the, "Stone of Sincerity", as they are a symbolic of truth and personal integrity. They promote a happy marriage and family tradition. Pearls resonate with both the heart and sacral chakras. They're wonderful tools to regulate female reproductive organs and combat the symptoms of PMS as they naturally connect our bodies with the rhythms of the tides and moon. They help one to realize their true nature and to love themselves more. They help bring happiness and uplift moods.
These are 14.5 - 15.5 inches long and have extender chains making them adjustable. They're handwrapped in copper or antique brass and are $67 each! They're listed in the
Gemstone Section.
Iolite, Green Chalcedony, Grey Labradorite, Citrine, Carnelian, Green Fluorite, Jasper, Black Onyx, Rose Quartz
I took the photos for these on Shipwreck Beach, some even on the wreckage of the
Peter Iredale herself. She crashed her in 1906 and her bones have remained. Shipwreck Beach is a tourist attraction that draws people year round. It's a 20 minute drive from my apartment and one of my favorite places in Oregon.
New Chakra Gemstone Necklaces!
$25 - $40
Emerald, Peruvian Opal, Pyrite, Aquamarine, Carnelian, Unakite, Solar Quartz, Sardonyx, Tanzanite, Aqua Chalcedony, Pyrite, Red Jasper, Druzy Quartz, Rainbow Fluorite, Rutilated Quartz, Chrysophrase, Red Tiger's Eye, Phrenite
Straight from Tucson and available in your choice of Antique Brass or Antique Silver 16 inch chain. There are 19 new offerings all listed in the
Chakra Gemstone Section. I took some of these product shots on a more recent shipwreck. I'm not sure what it's story is, but I find it to be beautiful. They don't call this area the Graveyard of the Pacific for no reason. There are more shipwrecks here than any other part of the world.
Join me this Sunday in Portland at
animal.plant.mineral. for a Maker Trunk Show. I'll be popping up with two other artists and the whole store is full of hand crafted, mostly locally made items.
Stay tuned to my
Instagram for new product uploads, more shipwreck photos and other PNW views. Enjoy this Super Full Moon! Love and Light to you all.
Full Harvest Moon in Aries
This year's Harvest Moon, also known as the Corn Moon, was yesterday at 7:52pm PTZ in Aries, just two days after the Fall Equinox. I chose Carnelian as it's a great stone for this fiery sign, and it's the Stone of Creativity. I prospected this piece myself from a beach in Oregon, my very first Carnelian find! It's facet grade, so I am keeping it for myself to cut into something sparkly to wear as a talisman of creativity. Carnelian inspires action, ambition and drive. It's a Sacral Chakra stone and promotes leadership and courage. It strengthens self esteem as well as boosts energy and motivation.
I chose Blue Heron as I am fortunate enough to see them almost every single day living here in Astoria, OR. Although they also live in the Midwest, I hardly recall seeing them until one literally flew in front of my car while driving through the Missouri countryside. I decided then that they would be this month's Full Moon Spirit Animal.
It is time to look deeper into aspects of your life that will bring out innate wisdom and show you how to become self-reliant. Are you grounding yourself regularly? Heron teaches that grounding yourself in the earth and your spiritual beliefs will help you discover emotional insights more clearly and more quickly.
Alternatively he could be teaching you how how to become comfortable in uncertain situations and to be watchful of opportunities to arise so that you can quickly grasp them and move on."
According to wolfsmoon.com, Blue Heron represents the following:
"Peace, Ability to Stand Alone, Uniqueness, Dignity, Call to Balance , Fluidity, Connection to the Blue Road, Independence, Boundaries, Self Esteem"
Here's what my favorite astrologers had to say about yesterday's full moon:
Jon me this Friday in Seattle at
Dandelion Botanical Company. I'll be there from 10:30 - 7 selling my current stock of one of a kinds, chakra gemstone necklaces, traditional birthstone necklaces and more.
5424 Ballard Ave., NW Suite 103
Seattle, WA 98107
I hope everyone enjoys the shadow of this full moon! I hope it inspires you all to create something wonderful.
Love to you all!
Happy Full Harvest and Hunter Moon!
Farmer's Almenac explains why this moon is both the Hunter and Harvest Moon of this year. It happens to also be my and my husband's 3rd wedding anniversary! I was almost done with this artwork and then I thought, "I should include the 3 year wedding anniversary stone in this." As it turns out, Clear Quartz (and pearl) are the traditional 3rd year wedding anniversary stones. So this Full Moon is extra special to me. It's in the sign of Aires and here are what the experts have to say:
I normally launch new products on the New Moon but I am OREGON bound for our Anniversary trip October 10th through the 21st. My husband lived in Portland for 7 years and Astoria for 3 years so he's showing me his old stomping grounds. I lovingly call him, "Chef Squatch," so I feel as if we are taking him to his native land. The New Moon is on the 19th so I thought I would launch some items on the Full Moon so I can enjoy my trip. Here are this Lunar Full Moon's offerings:
Conflict Free
Happy Full Moon!
Keep an eye on my
Instagram for photos of OREGON!
Happy Belated Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse
According to the
Farmer's Almenac, this moon was called the 'Sturgeon Moon'. "The fishing tribes are given credit for the naming of this Moon, since sturgeon, a large fish of the Great Lakes and other major bodies of water, were most readily caught during this month. A few tribes knew it as the Full Red Moon because, as the Moon rises, it appears reddish through any sultry haze. It was also called the Green Corn Moon or Grain Moon."

Monday's full moon was also a partial lunar eclipse and its effects were powerful. With the Sun in fiery Leo and the Moon in watery Aquarius, this one was intense! It had me in an incredilbly reflective state, and I had a hard time focusing my energy on anything else. Hence, the tardiness of this blog. Eclipses bring about sudden change, so my of us experienced some major shifts over the past few days. Eclipses have a way of ripping away things that are no longer serving us, leaving us feeling vulnerable and out of control at first. But eclipses have a funny way of knowing what's best for us. Perthaps as we let the dust settle, we'll find that this was JUST the change we needed.
Here's what a few of my favorite astrologers have to report:
For this Full Moon, I decided to add some of the Unisex pieces I've recently made to my Etsy shop! I post all one of a kinds there and you can follow the links to below to purchase them. These Unisex necklaces are all on thick antique brass or silver chain with larger lobster clasp closures.
August 21st Total Solar Eclipse of the Sun
This eclipse's path of totality goes 45 minutes north of my hometown, Kansas City.
The last total solar eclipse viewed from contiguous United States was on Feb. 26, 1979 whose path passed through the northwestern U.S. states and Canada. After this total solar eclipse, the next annular solar eclipse that can be seen in the continental United States will be on October 14, 2023 which will be visible from Northern California to Florida. Following this, a total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024 visible from Texas to Maine.
I consider myself so lucky to be a part of this event on the day of the Solar Eclipse! All my New Moon listings will be available and I'm making some one of a kinds in honor of the Eclipse. This is a sold out event but I will blog about it!
I'm coming to CHICAGO!
I'm popping up at Squasht Boutique for a Happy Hour event on Friday, August 25th!
Happy Belated Full Moon!
Love and Light to you all and my the Eclipse season treat you well.
According to
Farmers Almenac, "July is normally the month when the new antlers of buck deer push out of their foreheads in coatings of velvety fur. It was also often called the Full Thunder Moon, for the reason that thunderstorms are most frequent during this time. Another name for this month’s Moon was the Full Hay Moon."
This Full Moon lies in earthy Capricorn while the Sun is in the watery sign of Cancer. Dualities at play indeed! Here's what some of my favorite astrologers have to report:
This full moon called me out into nature, and I made sure to walk and hike a bit both days. I felt compelled to take in the full moon's energy. I recommend getting outside and soaking it up!
July 13th
If you live in Kansas City, come by my studio this Thurdsday night for my summer clearance sale. 25% off all items and some things up to 50% off.
Gigi Moon Studio
115 W. 18th St. Ste. 205
KCMO, 64108
Chair Massage by Jackie Haines
Happy Full Moon!
Happy Full Moon!
Enjoy 25% off using code:
"Full Moon Sale"
Now through WMarch 15th at midnight