Gigi News

Happy Full Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius June 17th, 2019 July 18, 2019 10:44

Happy Super Belated Full Moon and Summer Solstice
I am an entire lunar month late with posting this blog.  I have been transitioning through a lot this month so I took some time away from Gigi Moon.  I am single again, and moved into my new apartment on June 1st.  I've been working a few side jobs as well.  Immediately after my move,  I taught my first ever retreat with my friend, Aimee Ward, starting on the full moon, June 17th through June 20th!  It was at the Sou'Wester in Oceanside, right near the beach, and it was amazing and transformative.  I've included some photos of the event as well as the Chakra Cliff's Notes and worksheet I created as my course materials below.  Butterfly, in particular, blue butterfly, came through serendipidously during the retreat for me and some others.  I encountered the butterfly I used in the lunar artwork in Kansas City several years ago.  It actually let me hold it for a short while!  I took this video of it.

Butterfly represents personal transformations.

"When Butterfly spirit begins visiting your life, something new and wonderful is about to unfold  !It’s time for personal growth and greater awareness of your mental, physical and spiritual rhythms. Change can sometimes be challenging and daunting because it moves us out of our comfort zone.  You cannot embrace a “new you” until you release the old. With Butterfly medicine you’ll find that you can fly gracefully above the barriers that would otherwise hold you back.  Butterfly as a teacher puts great emphasis on movement – be it blossom to blossom, home to home, or one state in our spiritual exploration to another.  Butterfly often turns our thoughts inward to review elements of our character, morals, and habits that weigh us down, keeping us stuck in a mire of negative energy.  The goal of our winged ally is restoring lightness in your Be-ing so you can dance life’s dance with unbridled joy!" -

Smoky Quartz, A Root Chakra stone, it's very grounding and has a calming energy. It heightens intuition and is a wonderful stone for meditation. It increases survival instincts and self confidence. It helps to lighten moods, overcome negative emotions and combat depression. Smoky quartz not only relieves negative emotions like anger, jealousy and fear, but also and transforms them into positive energies. Smoky Quartz is a very protective stone. It wards off both psychic and physical attack. It increases prosperity and good luck as well as boost creative energy.  This particualr Smoky Quartz is double terminated, making it an amplifier of energy.  It was gifted to me by my friend, Rick, who is known as the Rock Guy here in Astoria.  He always gifts rocks to children and rock loving adults here.
Here are some reports for June's full moon:
And happy belated Summer Solstice!  Mystic Mama has gathered some amazing insight for you.
I taught a course on crystal Chakra therapy and how to use a pendulum to do a Chakra alignment as well as in general pendulum usage.  Students took turns practicing on each other.  I also explained some of the stone's metaphycal healing properties and each student got their own take home charka alignment kit.  
7 chakra stones, crystal pendulum, sage, palo santo, shell
I  brought some stones from my personal collection to use for the class.
Here are some views of the Sou"Wester.  It is such an enchanting place!
Guests can stay in these old vintage campers.
Sound Healing House
Tea House
Art Gallery
Guests can rent bikes to adventure on the Discovery Trail, right along Long Beach.
Here's a view of Long Beach, I took a bike ride all the way up to Cape Dissapointment on my lunch break
Aimee and her son, Ori.  We made a group offering to Gaia on the last day of the retreat.
Beach grass sand art
Transitions are never easy, but that doesn't mean they can't be fun, right?  I am flowing with the changes and embracing the chaos.  I hope to teach more Crystal Chakra courses and am excited to see where life takes me.  I hope this blog finds everyone happy and healthy, Love and Light to you all!

Happy Full Flower Blue Moon May 18, 2019 May 18, 2019 11:12 1 Comment

Happy Full Moon in Scorpio!
This one is all about rebirth and transitions, and it's taking place during spring, the perfect season of rebirth!  Everyone I know right now is going through major shifts.  This Full Moon's energy is very potent to manifest our new desires and dreams and to transform what is no longer serving us.  "The May full Moon marked a time of increasing fertility, with temperatures warm enough for safely bearing young, a near end to late frosts, and plants in bloom." March's full moon was on the Spring Equinox, making this the third full moon of spring, and the flowers are in full bloom here on the Oregon coast.  

   - Farmer's Almenac

Here is what some of my favorite astrologers have to say about today's Full Blue Moon.
For this Lunar's months art, I chose Hawk and Imperial Topaz.  

Hawks represent intuition, the ability to see between realms.  They show us the truth, and give us clear visions.  Hawks help us to focus and take the lead in life.  

“Hawks scan their environment from high above the ground, looking for potential threats and sources of food. If you see hawks showing up in your life frequently, it may be a call to see things from a higher perspective and focus on your observation skills. 

The hawk symbolizes the ability to use intuition and higher vision in order to complete tasks or make important decisions. Animal guides can deliver important messages to us from beyond, and hawks definitely serve as animals that can heighten our spiritual awareness and help us along our paths.  Hawks represent the messengers of the spirit world, so seeing them definitely means the universe wants you to learn powerful lessons or expand your knowledge and wisdom. Hawks also encourage you to use laser focus and precision to get things done, and to take the lead in life. So, if you happen to spot hawks often in your life, the universe could be trying to send you these important messages.” 

Imperial Topaz is a root, sacral, solar plexus and crown chakra stone. It boosts confidence and self worth without inflating the ego. Imperial Topaz is a stone of creativity and intention, assisting one in manifesting their dreams and desires. Imperial Topaz can help bring love to its wearer. It protects from jealously, negative magic and disease. It calms emotions, enhances relaxation and brings feelings of peace. Imperial Topaz also protects against nightmares. It helps to increase intuition and is helpful while meditating to connect to the Ascended Masters and Archangels.  Imperial Topaz is an excellent stone for Scorpios and it's even the November birthstone, which is Scorpio up through November 21st.  November Topaz Birthstone Necklace

27% off Sale
Now through May 25th
Minimum Purchase $40
Third Eye Hawk Series
$160 - $180
Conflict free blue diamond third eyes.  
Happy Full Moon!  I wish you all luck with whatever transitions or rebirths you are experiencing.  Journey well, my friends!  Love and Light to you all!

April 19th Full Pink Moon in Libra 2019 April 19, 2019 13:05

Happy Full Moon in Libra!
This Full Moon's Gemstone Spirit Animal Oracle Art features Otters and Ruby.  Otters are my absolute favorite and I've been thinking about rubies for days, so they both seem appropriate for this Full Pink Moon in Libra.  Rubies come in shades of pink and red, and in some rare cases, form with triangular record keeper etchings like the one featured.  According to the Farmer's Almenac, The Native American's called this the Pink Moon because the spring pink phlox bloomed and blanketed the fields in a canopy of blooms.  This full moon highlights balance in relationships, both romantic and platonic, and many truths will come to light to be addressed.  Some relationships will be strengthened and some will be released.  Ruby is a fantastic stone for strenghtening relationships.  This full moon highlights imbalances in our lives as well, forcing us to rethink our old ways of responding and reacting, and making us look at our bad habits and beliefs in order to transform them.  Here's what my favorite intuitives and astrologers have to say about the energies of today's Full Moon.

Ruby is known as the Stone of Nobility as it promotes power and leadership as well as aids in obtaining wealth.  Not only material wealth, Ruby also helps us to identify and obtain our ultimate values in life.  Ruby is said to help stabalize finances and bring abundance.  A Root Chakra stone, Ruby inspires courage and confidence as well as self esteem.  It has an intense and vivacious energy that ignites passion and enthusiasm.  Ruby is said to bring a spark of inner light to one’s life.  It promotes prosperity and joy and encourages us to follow our bliss.  It protects against depression and unhappiness.  It also inspires romance and is said to promote integrity and devotion to ones partner.  Ruby eleviates guilt and feelings of sadness.  Ruby helps increase intuition, promotes lucid dreaming and protects from nightmares.   It helps to stay clear headed and focused.  Ruby helps in decision making by helping us to recognize all our options.  Ruby helps show us how our thoughts affect our reality.  It promotes creativity and assists in manifestation.  Ruby deepens a couple’s relationship, encouraging closeness and commitment.

A record keeper is the name for a crystal with a trigonal crystal structure, or triangles, that appear to be “etched” as growths or indentations onto the surface of the stone.  Often times, there are many triangle shapes etched within other triangle shapes, creating a lattice patterning of triangles.  

They’re said to hold the energetic imprint and ancient wisdom and knowledge of the Universe and past civilizations here on Earth. Many believe that they were programmed by past civilizations, like Atlantis and Lemuria.  They act as keys to unlock information about past lives.  They were believed to be formed during the Ice Age through air bubbles that froze over time.  Record keepers are exceptional tools to use in mediation.  Ask your record keeper questions and to show you its stored knowledge.  Record keepers provide a sense of deep peace and universal understanding.

According to,, Otter's messge is, "It's time to let go of control and surrender to the moment. Allowing the universe to move in its own way will often manifest your dreams beyond your wildest expectations."

Otter gives us, "the knowledge that you have to take care of yourself first to be of use to others. Therefore you need to go with the natural flow, and the ebbs and tides of your life. Only then you can find joy and wonder in the small things that give you pleasure as an adult, and that gave you pleasure as a child."

Although Sea Otters don't mate for life, the River Otters used in my lunar artwork this month do.  Regardless of monogomy, all Otter couples and family members hold hands while they're sleeping so that they won't drift apart.  Otters are also known to keep the same "pet rock" for their entire lifes, tucking it inside their armpit folds for safe keeping.  They pariodically play with the rock, bouncing it from paw to paw across their chest.  Although no one knows for sure why they do this, I like to think it's their way of kicking back and letting go with the flow.  Otters are known for being playful, energetic creatures.  They work hard but also make sure to take time out to play with their loved ones and favorite rock. 

Adorable Video of Otter Playing with Pet Rock

According to,

"The connection with living moving water gives Otter the meaning of an awareness of the subconscious, emotions and psychism. Observing Otter it becomes very apparent that these creatures see life as a true playground to be filled with family and friends. Very often Otter shows up in people’s lives when they’ve become too serious, over-think things and lose sight of their inner child. One of Otter’s mottos is: play as if no one is looking (and if possible have someone join you!).  Otter is also a creature always up for a bit of adventure, letting curiosity direct them. They don’t worry about what’s left behind but rather look forward. This is a great lesson from Otter Spirit – you can’t embrace new things if you’re always clinging to what’s behind. This doesn’t mean that you just forget about difficulties, but rather find a way to smile and get a different perspective that may very well solve the whole shebang."

Astoria Healers Unite!


Creepy Beautiful is a new home for Gigi Moon Gems!  I am working closely with Aimee, the amazing owner of this adorable shop, to turn the back room in to a healing space that healers of Astoria, Oregon can rent and utilize to treat clients.  I will be available to see clients for crystal reiki therapy and will let everyone know how they can book with me, Aimee, and any of the other amazing healers we are attracting with our high vibes.  The center is on Pier 11, right on the water of the Columbia River!  The healing center won't open until June, but the boutique portion of the center opens THIS WEEKEND!  All of my one of a kinds are available, along with my essential oil crystal perfume blends and gemstone specimens.  I will work there on Fridays going forward and am available for personalized intuitive perfume blends and tarot card readings.

Aimee sells her vintage clothing, handmade macrame, jewelry, paintings, and more.  She is available to offer tarot card readings as well as curates a rotating art installation and more.  Creepy Beautiful is open this Saturday and Sunday for our soft opening, noon - 6pm.  Stay tuned to our Facebook Page for updated hours and events!

Creepy Beautiful

80 11th St
Astoria, Oregon 97103

Have a happy, transformative, magical full moon!  I am off to the mountains of Central Washington to dig for Blue Agates this afternoon!  I cannot wait to re-connect to mother earth in this way.  Love and light to you all!


March 20th Full Super Moon / Spring Equinox 2019 March 20, 2019 14:12

Happy Full Super Moon in Libra!
The full moon peaks at 6:43 pm tonight and the Spring Equinox is at 2:58pm PTZ
It's finally spriiing!  The daffodils are blooming, the birds are singing and I am outside, blogging on my porch, enjoying the sunshine.  According to the Farmer's Almenac, " The last time the full Moon and the spring equinox coincided this closely (4 hours apart) was in March 2000, but the last time they occurred on the same date was on March 20, 1981!"
The Native Americans called this the Worm Moon as this was the time the earth thawed enough and worms would appear.  This full moon is in Libra and it's all about balance, both internal and within partnerships and relationships.  Here are what my favorite astrologers have to say about the energies of today's Super Moon.
For this lunar month's art, I chose Opal and Spider as my gemstone and spirit animal.  I have been seeing them every where and they have been appearing in serendipitous ways over the past few weeks.  I was so sure it was spider and had my mind and heart set on it.  I had completely finished the lunar artwork, which took about 2 hours, and then when I saved it, it locked up...Mercury Retrograde!   While I was waiting and waiting for it to save, a humming bird flew right in front of me, through the entire length of the porch and then out the other side!  I knew right then why I had lost the Spider Opal artwork.  I immediately restarted my program and began working on the hummingbird artwork.  It was somehow done in 30 minutes, the shortest it's ever taken me to create one of these photo collages.  It gave me no problems when I went to save it.  
So, let's see what Hummingbird has to tell us!

"The hummingbird generally symbolizes joy and playfulness, as well as adaptability."  They also symbolize, "Lightness of being, enjoyment of life, Being more present, Independence, Bringing playfulness and joy in your life, Lifting up negativity, Swiftness, ability to respond quickly, Resiliency, being able to travel great distances tirelessly."


"Hummingbird animal totem meaning is about energetic resources. These lovely creatures are a great reminder of how we expend our own energy. When hummingbirds show up in our lives, it’s a good time to take a look at our energy-stores and resources. hummingbirds warrant an honest look at how we are maintaining our vibrational frequencies. Are we frittering away our energy on needless issues (ie: worry, fear, lack)? Or, are we in a state of well-honed, regulated balance when it comes to our energy and resources?"


Opal in genreal is a stone of Inspiration, it ignites our inner fire and stimulates creativity.  A Heart and Crown Chakra stone, opal inspires hope and love and well as heightens the Intuition.  Opals, due to their rainbow flashes of color, actually balance all the chakras, connecting the lower with the higher chakras.  Because they are so porous, they take in negative energy and transmute it to positive evergy, making Opal a wonderful stone to combat depression.  Opal assists in times of transformation and rebirth and helps to better handle all of life's changes.  Opal is particularly helpful with changes that are good for the wearer.  Opal is a symbol of innocence and purity.  Opal helps to increase memory as well as enhances self esteem and self worth.  Opal has a strong soothing energy.  Despite historical rumors that opals are bad luck, they are in fact, one of the best stones to promote good luck!  Due to their connection to water, Opals are linked to the Moon's energies and are a wonderful stone to soothe emotions, especially for water signs.

Here are some of my newest pieces, made in the Spirit of Spring.  You'll find them in Gemstone Section of my website

20% OFF !

Sale ends Sunday, March 24th

Use Code: SpringEquinoxSale


Full Super Snow Moon in Virgo February 2019 February 19, 2019 19:56

Happy Full Super Snow Moon in Virgo 
The full super moon in the Earth sign of Virgo peaked this morning, February 19th, at 7:54am PTZ.  We entered the watery sign of Pisces today as well.  The February full moon was traditionally called the Snow Moon by the Native Americans as February typically gets the most snowfall of all the months each year.  A super moon happens when the moon is closest to the earth.  This lunar month's Spirit Animal and Gemstone Art features Roly Poly and Pearl.  You can buy a 5x5 print.
"This Super Full Moon is also potent as it falls at zero degrees of Virgo. Zero is the number of potential and limitless opportunities. Zero is the blank canvas of all creation, signaling that this Full Moon is really going to offer infinite potential." 
"February’s Full Moon is going to help us realize our potential and also the potential around us, it is also going to open us, broaden our horizons, and encourage us to open our minds and hearts to something beyond our current reality."
To really benefit from the potency of this super full moon, try her Full Moon Ritual tonight.
Here's what my other favorite astrologers have to say about today's Super Full Moon:
Roly Poly, also known as Pill Bug, is my spirit animal choice for this Full Moon.  I should rather say that it chose me, as the one in the artwork literally walked acorss my jeweler's bench and cast its shadow on my hands while I was working on a project.  It's shadow made it look menacing and huge but when I looked up, it was just a little old Roly Poly.  I used to love playing with these harmless little "bugs" when I was a kid.  I would gently nudge them with a twig to make them roll up like an armadillo into a little ball of protective armour.  After such a serendipitous meeting in my new studio, I immediately researched Roly Poly spirit animal meaning online and learned that Roly Poly’s are not insects, but in fact, crustaceans, like crab, shrimp, barnacles, lobster and krill.  They are the only crustacean that lives on land.  
Roly Poly’s message is to go PLAY!  Reclaim your inner child. Live IN THE MOMENT!  We all must work but play is also a must for rejuvination, self love and emotional health.  Roly Poly asks us to balance both aspects of life.  Roly Poly reminds us to protect ourselves from those who don’t have our best interest in mind.  They remind us that we can have clear protective "armour" when we set clear boudaries.  The remind us to embrace who we are, to have self confidence and to stand in our power.
I chose pearl because it popped in my mind.  When I saw we were entering Pisces today, I felt like it was perfect.  Pearl symbolizes innocence, faith and purity.   It resonates with the sacral and heart chakras.  Pearls are known as the, "Stone of Sincerity", as they are a symbolic of truth and personal integrity.  They promote a happy marriage and family tradition. Pearls resonate with both the heart and sacral chakras.  They're wonderful tools to regulate female reproductive organs and combat the symptoms of PMS as they naturally connect our bodies with the rhythms of the tides and moon.  They help one to realize their true nature and to love themselves more.  They help bring happiness and uplift moods.  

These are 14.5 - 15.5 inches long and have extender chains making them adjustable.  They're handwrapped in copper or antique brass and are $67 each!  They're listed in the Gemstone Section.
Iolite, Green Chalcedony, Grey Labradorite, Citrine, Carnelian, Green Fluorite, Jasper, Black Onyx, Rose Quartz
I took the photos for these on Shipwreck Beach, some even on the wreckage of the Peter Iredale herself.  She crashed her in 1906 and her bones have remained.  Shipwreck Beach is a tourist attraction that draws people year round.  It's a 20 minute drive from my apartment and one of my favorite places in Oregon. 
New Chakra Gemstone Necklaces!
$25 - $40
Emerald, Peruvian Opal, Pyrite, Aquamarine, Carnelian, Unakite, Solar Quartz, Sardonyx, Tanzanite, Aqua Chalcedony, Pyrite, Red Jasper, Druzy Quartz, Rainbow Fluorite, Rutilated Quartz, Chrysophrase, Red Tiger's Eye, Phrenite
Straight from Tucson and available in your choice of Antique Brass or Antique Silver 16 inch chain.  There are 19 new offerings all listed in the Chakra Gemstone Section.  I took some of these product shots on a more recent shipwreck.  I'm not sure what it's story is, but I find it to be beautiful.  They don't call this area the Graveyard of the Pacific for no reason.  There are more shipwrecks here than any other part of the world.
Join me this Sunday in Portland at animal.plant.mineral. for a Maker Trunk Show.  I'll be popping up with two other artists and the whole store is full of hand crafted, mostly locally made items.
Stay tuned to my Instagram for new product uploads, more shipwreck photos and other PNW views.  Enjoy this Super Full Moon!  Love and Light to you all.

Full Wolf Blood Super Moon Total Lunar Eclipse January 2019 January 20, 2019 13:58

Happy Full Wolf Blood Super Moon Total Lunar Eclipse!
This Full Moon is in Leo and peaks at 9:16pm PTZ.  The Total Lunar Eclipse peaks at 9:12pm PTZ tonight, almost the exact same time.  So set your intentions as this energy will be potent!  What awesome energy to start out this new year.  This Full Moon was traditionally called the "Wolf Moon" by the natives due to the cries of hungry wolves heard around this time of the year.  This one is a blood moon, and the moon will actually turn a blood red hugh during the eclipse.  This is partially why I chose to use Bloodstone for this month's Lunar Oracle art.  In addition to all of this celestial activity, today we also move out of Earthy Capricorn into Airy Aquarius.  There's a whole lot going on today!
Here's what my favorite astrologers have to say:
Here are a few articles on the Eclipse:
Bloodstone is the "Stone of the Spiritual Warrior", and it's extremely protective and healing. It encourages selflessness, generosity, idealism and upholding of justice.  Bloodstone also helps one to increase their spirituality and intuition.  It's extremely grounding and calming and is especially helpful for sensitive types and empaths.  Bloodstone is also known as a stone of noble sacrifice.  It inspires people to take the moral and right action.  In the middle ages, the red spots were thought to be the blood of Jesus Christ.  Warriors for centuries have carried Bloodstone into battle for protection.  It encouraged bravery and was used for its blood coagulation abilities to stop wounds from bleeding out on the battlefield.  Bloodstone inspires courage and boosts self esteem.  It's a great purifier and helps to heal both physical and emotional wounds. Bloodstone helps to regulate blood pressure and is great for the physical heart.   It helps to overcome addictions and patterns that are self destructive.  Bloodstone is used to purify and detoxify the body.  Its grounding energy helps clear away negativity.  Bloodstone is both a Root and Heart Chakra stone and works to connect the lower three Chakras with the Heart Chakra.  It heightens creativity and helps you to live in the present moment. Bloodstone helps to see situations clearly and to make better decisions.  It lessons anger and aggressiveness and provides a calming sense of peace and a message of love.
Wolf is a symbol of guardianship, freedom and loyalty.   Wolves must rely on quick instinct and sharp intuition to survive in the wild.  Wolf helps us tap into our own intuition to see through any veils of mistrust. Wolf helps one to overcome their fear of mistrusting others.  It helps us to set clearer boundaries for ourselves and protect our energy levels. Wolves work in packs and understand that healthy community is important for happiness and survival.  Wolf also understands the need to break free from the pack from time to time to regroup and work on our own spiritual and mental well being.  Call upon wolf when it's time to take peaceful action to stand up for what you believe in.
30% OFF
Use Code: FullWolfBloodMoon
$25 Minimum
Sale ends Sunday, January 27th!
I'm heading to the Tucson Gem Show January 30th - February 6th to stock up on gemstones for the year!   So, I'm having a sale!  I haven't offered this low of a discount in years and you have a whole week to shop.  Stay tuned to my Instagram and Facebook as I post new products every day!
Have fun howling at the moon tonight!!!  Love and Light!

Happy Halloween! Raven and Malachite Magic October 31, 2018 13:06

Happy Halloween!!
I created this Raven and Malachite Spirit Animal art for last week's Full Hunter Moon in Taurus / Scorpio.  I started it while on my recent trip to Kansas City and finished it on the plane ride home.  It seems so fitting to launch it today, as Raven is known to represent magic and to travel between both realms. On Halloween, the veil is the thinnest all year and Raven seems perfectly poised to transcend between both Heaven and Earth today.  
"When a Raven totem has flown into your life, it signifies that magic is at play. Raven ignites the energies of magic allowing it to become one with our intentions and will. Great changes can be achieved at this time and dreams can become a reality. The Raven will show you how to walk into the dark corners of your inner conflicts buried deep within, opening the doors to the deepest power of healing to be within our grasp."
Raven represents magic, healing, rebirth and renewal, transmutation, divination, and much more.
'Raven is assuring you of the impeding change. He brings with him the ability to bend time and space for the perfect moment at the right time. He signifies rebirth, renewal, reflection and healing. He helps the transitions and transformations move along smoothly by casting light into the darkness."
  Malachite is a great stone for both Scorpio and Taurus. Malachite is a stone of transformation and helpful when breaking old patterns. A very calming stone, it resonates with the heart and throat chakras. It inspires unconditional love and loyalty. Malachite inspires risk taking and promotes leadership. A very protective stone, it absorbs environmental pollutants and negative energy.   It helps to balance both the left and right sides of the brain.  Malachite is also one of the few stones that works to activate all 7 of the major Chakras.
I wish everyone a very safe and Happy Halloween!  
811 East Burnside #116
Portland, OR 97204
My first Trunk Show in Portland is this Friday, on Dia de los Muertos, at Redux Boutique!  I'm making new one of a kinds just for the event.  There will be a tarot card reader, artwork, shopping, snacks and cider.  There will be a public Day of the Dead altar that everyone is welcome to contribute to as well!

Full Harvest Moon in Aries September 24th 2018 September 25, 2018 16:22

Full Harvest Moon in Aries
This year's Harvest Moon, also known as the Corn Moon, was yesterday at 7:52pm PTZ in Aries, just two days after the Fall Equinox.  I chose Carnelian as it's a great stone for this fiery sign, and it's the Stone of Creativity.  I prospected this piece myself from a beach in Oregon, my very first Carnelian find!  It's facet grade, so I am keeping it for myself to cut into something sparkly to wear as a talisman of creativity.  Carnelian inspires action, ambition and drive.   It's a Sacral Chakra stone and promotes leadership and courage. It strengthens self esteem as well as boosts energy and motivation.  
I chose Blue Heron as I am fortunate enough to see them almost every single day living here in Astoria, OR.  Although they also live in the Midwest, I hardly recall seeing them until one literally flew in front of my car while driving through the Missouri countryside.  I decided then that they would be this month's Full Moon Spirit Animal.
According to, "If Heron has come wading across your path: 
It is time to look deeper into aspects of your  life that will bring out innate wisdom and show you how to become self-reliant. Are you grounding yourself regularly? Heron teaches that grounding yourself in the earth and your spiritual beliefs will help you discover emotional insights more clearly and more quickly.

Alternatively he could be teaching you how how to become comfortable in uncertain situations and to be watchful of opportunities to arise so that you can quickly grasp them and move on."

According to, Blue Heron represents the following: 

"Peace, Ability to Stand Alone, Uniqueness, Dignity, Call to Balance , Fluidity, Connection to the Blue Road, Independence, Boundaries, Self Esteem"

Here's what my favorite astrologers had to say about yesterday's full moon:
Jon me this Friday in Seattle at Dandelion Botanical Company.  I'll be  there from 10:30 - 7 selling my current stock of one of a kinds, chakra gemstone necklaces, traditional birthstone necklaces and more.  
5424 Ballard Ave., NW Suite 103
Seattle, WA 98107
I hope everyone enjoys the shadow of this full moon!  I hope it inspires you all to create something wonderful.
Love to you all!

Full Sturgeon Moon in Pisces August 26th, 2018 August 28, 2018 14:04

Happy Full Sturgeon Moon!  Some Native American tribes called this the Sturgeon Full Moon because these fish were most readily caught during this time.  Seeing that I live by the Columbia River now, where Sturgeon are available, and Pisces being this moon's sign, I had to go with the obvious for this Lunar month's spirit animal.  I chose Labradorite because it's a great stone for Pisces but it's also fantastic during transitions, which many of us are currently undergoing due to the aftermath of eclipse season.

"The sturgeon is known as the king of fishes. A primitive fish that has probably existed on the earth since around the time the dinosaurs disappeared, the sturgeon comes in a variety of sizes, but can reach twelve-foot lengths and at least 300-pound weights.

Sturgeons were considered the royalty of fishes among the Native people who lived in the Great Lakes area. In the Ojibwa nation there is a Sturgeon clan that is one of the teaching clans. To the Ojibwa people the sturgeon represents depth and strength.

The European people who came to North America did not have the same respect for this fish. At first they considered it a nuisance when sturgeons got in their nets. Later they almost fished it to extinction when they discovered the value of its roe, which is better known as caviar. The sturgeon is rarely found now.

Working with the sturgeon can teach you about your determination, perseverance, depth, knowledge, generosity, strength, and sexuality."


Labradorite heightens intuition and strengthens clairvoyance. It helps to ease anxiety and nerves, as well as reducing racing and negative thoughts. It assists us through all transitions, but is particularly helpful with transitions that are positive for us. Labradorite helps serendipitous situations, coincidences and synchronicity to flow in to your life.
I wish everyone the best of luck while flowing through the transitions brought out through eclipse season.  To help, I'm offering a flash sale so you can get the healing gemstone necklace you need, including Labradorite!
20% off!
August 28th - 31st at midnight
Use Code: LabradoriteFlow
Minimum Purchase: $40
Upcoming Shows:
September 7th from noon - 9pm

Full Buck Moon in Aquarius July 27th, 2018 August 28, 2018 13:06

Happy Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius!  I’ve noticed the Cormorants drying their wings and diving for fish since moving to Astoria. They’re unlike any of the Midwest birds I grew up with.

Amethyst, a Third Eye and Crown Chakra Stone, is a great stone for Aquarius. It increases psychic abilities and spiritual awareness. It relieves stress and brings a sense of inner peace. Amethyst combats anger and balances mood swings. It wards off psychic attack and dispels negativity. Amethyst helps with sleep issues as well as promotes lucid dreaming. It also helps to battle addiction.

“Cormorants are magical diving birds whose bodies are more equipped to swim under water than to fly in the air. Known in ancient Latin and Germanic languages as the “sea raven”, cormorants make a presence in your life when it is time to overcome obstacles and see possibilities. The cormorant brings earth-bound sensibilities and an amazing ability to navigate emotions. The cormorant invites you to dive into life FEARLESSLY, and to dive deep into the emotional realms knowing that you have evolved to do this, and you will always rise to the surface once you have gotten what you need from the depths.”...
“The cormorant is all about self-reliance, wit, and a powerful ability to move through watery emotion with the power of feet and wings; then to translate that movement into forceful sky flight.”... “The cormorant teaches us that life goes on, a high perch is worth the effort, and that it is perfectly fine and well to use your evolved abilities to live and move through more than one element; in this case air and water.”...“Cormorant power supports realization of seemingly impossible goals, dissolution of obstacles, and the application of multi-faceted skills which surprise and dazzle outsiders.”

Full Strawberry Moon in Capricorn June 29th 2018 August 28, 2018 13:01

In honor of yesterday’s Strawberry Full Moon, I chose Slug 
as this Lunar month’s full moon Spirit Animal. I’ve been seeing slugs everywhere lately, but mostly eating the wild strawberries in our yard. I became curious to their meaning and lessons.

“Looking at the symbolism of the slug in various cultures, we can see that the slug was not always considered a nuisance but actually an ethereal being with healing powers. Some of the Native Americans used slugs to heal a toothache by allowing them to squirm around in their mouths. Apparently they believed that the trail the slug leaves behind has healing properties to it.
The slug is also considered a hermaphroditic animal and is therefore considered to embody both the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. Because of this, the slug is more a spiritual being than an earthly being. Great balance and strength is also a message that the slug can bring to its beholder. They are able to mate with any other slug and produce hundreds of offspring, and therefore also represent great fertility.
I used to see slugs as being snails that are "between homes" (shells) but I realized that slugs are actually different species than snails...they don't need a mobile home. They are strong without it. The slug is also connected to shamans of certain cultures because during mating the slug sometimes loses a part of its body, just as the shaman loses a part of himself in order to transition into the spiritual world.”
-Nicole Canfield

Rainbow Moonstone is a stone of new beginnings. It helps one maintain calm during times of transformation. It stabilizes the emotions and provides a calming, soothing energy. A crown chakra stone, it heightens intuition and psychic abilities. Strongly connected to the moon, it's a very powerful stone for women in particular.

Full Flower Moon May 29th 2108 August 28, 2018 12:52

Happy Full Moon in Sagittarius! A tiny little snake slithered across my path recently, leading me to look into its Spirit Animal Meaning. I paired Snake with Sunstone in honor of this fiery Sagittarius full moon.

Sunstone is associated with the Sacral Chakra and is known as the Stone of Leadership. It increases confidence and personal power and helps bring mental clarity. It helps stabilize the emotions and inspires passion and romance. It's also known as a Stone of Freedom and encourages independence, originality and individuality. Sunstone is linked to the sun and embodies its warmth and light, bestowing joy and good luck.

Snake Spirit Animal meaning is one of primal, life force energy. It represents the cycles of life, death and rebirth. Associated with the element Earth and the root chakra, Snake assists in Kundalini awakening. Call upon Snake medicine when you need help grounding. Snakes represent transmutation. Just as snakes shed their skin as they grow, we must shed past pains and outdated thinking to grow. Snakes evoke spiritual renewal and provide spiritual guidance through times of transformation. Snake asks us to move slowly, have patience, gather insight, then strike at the most potent time. Snake represents healing and wisdom. Learn more about Snake Spirit Animal meaning at

Full Pink Moon in Scorpio April 29th 2018 August 28, 2018 12:40 1 Comment

Happy Full Pink Moon in Scorpio! It peaks here on the West Coast at 5:59pm.
The Native Americans called this the Pink Moon due to the blooming of pink Wild Ground Phlox flowers, one of the first signs of spring.
There are 3 Main Scorpio Totems that represent where a Scorpio is on their journey, Scorpion, Eagle & Phoenix.
Scorpion: The basic and the least evolved Scorpio totem, is ruled by emotions and instincts rather than intellect. It has low self-awareness and little self-control. The most dangerous and vengeful type of Scorpio.
Eagle: The stage where the Scorpio becomes more self aware and accepting of his/her powers. They’re ruled by intellect rather than instincts and emotions. At this stage, they aim to achieve great heights in their dreams, career and endeavors.
Phoenix: The final stage where a Scorpio becomes fully self aware of their mystical powers of healing. A Scorpio needs to go through a complete transformation, to burn to the ground and rise from the ashes to achieve this power. The true power of a Scorpio lies in healing and spreading peace and love.
According to, “The eagle is the chief over all the winged creatures. Eagle conveys the powers and messages of the spirit; it is man's connection to the divine because it flies higher than any other bird. The eagle brings the message of renewed life because it is associated with the east winds - the direction of spring, dawn and rebirth. If an individual has been going through a hard time, eagle not only signals a new beginning, but provides that person with the stamina and resilience to endure the difficulties. If eagle has appeared, it bestows freedom and courage to look ahead. The eagle is symbolic of the importance of honesty and truthful principles. Summon the eagle when you are about to embark on a challenge, a massive life change or a creative endeavor.”
Citrine is a great crystal for Scorpio. It’s a stone of success, prosperity and personal power. It not only combats negative energy, but also is one of only 3 stones that emits its own positive energy. Citrine manifests success and abundance in all areas. It is particularly useful to promote success in business, especially if placed in the cash box. Citrine promotes generosity and sharing of one's success with others.
I dedicate this Full Moon in Scorpio to my double Scorpio (sun and moon) husband, Kenneth Edward Booth.  I love watching you soar to new heights!
Love and Light to all!



Full Blue Moon March 29th 2018 April 29, 2018 16:26

Hey everyone!✨
Now that I’m back to work, I want to share a few changes with you.
👌Thanks to the beautiful state of Oregon for having no sales tax!
All purchases are now completely tax free!
All One of a Kinds will be listed on only. Etsy won’t allow me to charge less than 1% sales tax so I encourage everyone to purchase on my site. I will keep my Etsy open for simple gemstone necklaces only.
I’m detaching a bit from Facebook and don’t check my messages very often. I encourage all inquiries to go through Instagram or
I will also be doing the Astoria Sunday Market several times this season. I’ll let everyone know which dates I’ll be vending and what other events I’m participating in here on Instagram.
That’s it. Thanks for reading this!
Happy Full Moon!

Happy Full Snow Moon in Virgo - Deer and Amazonite April 5, 2018 10:15

Happy Full Snow Moon in Virgo!
March 1, 2018
Virgo is an earth sign and today's full moon is full of grounding, practical energy, guiding us to make the right decisions.
I stumbled across three deer walking around my new neighborhood a few days ago. They allowed me to get within 6 feet of them while they grazed on the neighbor's grass. I took them as a sign and looked up their animal spirit meaning: 
"Deer’s medicine includes gentleness in word, thought and touch. The ability to listen, grace and appreciation for the beauty of balance. Understanding of what’s necessary for survival, power of gratitude and giving, ability to sacrifice for the higher good, connection to the woodland goddess, alternative paths to a goal.
In the Celtic tradition, there are two aspects of deer – female and male. The Hind (the red female deer), called Eilid in the Gaelic language, symbolises femininity, subtlety and gracefulness. The Hind is believed to call to us from the Faery realm, tempting us to release the material trappings of so-called ‘civilization’, to go deep into the forest of magic, to explore our own magical and spiritual nature. The topic gentleness is part of this tradition. Many stories tell of Hinds changing into women, often goddesses, to protect does from being hunted. The lesson to be gleaned here is that when we explore magic and spirituality, it must be with good intention, to harm no living being, but to enter the realm of the wild things in the spirit of love and communion. The Stag, Damh in the Gaelic tongue, is also linked to the sacredness of the magical forest. The Damh represents independence, purification, and pride. It is known as the King of the Forest, the protector of its creatures. For time immemorial people have sought to identify with the stag by ceremonially wearing antlered headdresses and imitating the deer’s leaping grace."
Amazonite is an excellent stone for Virgos. Amazonite is an stone of manifestation and helps to increase Universal Love.  It's a stone of prosperity and is considered a good luck stone for games of chance. It's also said to increase business and helps to protect from unfair business practices.  Amazonite is both a Throat and Heart Chakra stone.  It's an ecxellent stone to assist in communication, especially within romantic couples.  In general, amazonite helps to see all sides of a situation, enabling one to understand the other's point of view. Amazonite promotes self love and courage.  It helps to increase intuition and enhances creativity. Amazonite is good for dispelling negative energy and also protects from microwaves, EMFs and environmental pollutants.  It soothes the emotions and calms the nervous system.

Happy Full Blood Blue Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo April 5, 2018 10:06

Happy Full Blood Blue Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo
January 31st, 2018
Happy Blood Full Moon Lunar Eclipse!
This one is in Leo during Aquarius. It was at 7:27am this morning, CTZ. It was intense!!
Garnet, the birthstone for January and a powerfully potent stone for Aquarius, is a stone of personal power and self esteem. It's a very grounding Root Chakra stone. This deep dark red stone holds a flash and fire, which is said to stimulate survival instincts, courage and willpower. Garnet's inner fire is also said to bring light, alleviating depression and bringing joy. Garnets help control anger, especially toward oneself. A stone of passion, sexuality and sensuality, Garnet activates the kundalini energies in a controlled manner. A stone of commitment, it inspires love and loyalty. Garnets are said to bring success in business.
Lions represent courage, strength and personal power.  They encourage self expression from the heart. They are creative, influential, calm, extremely independent and confident.  Lions represent wisdom and honor.  Lions are fiercely loyal to their friends and family.  Lions are leaders and exert dominion and power in a productive and positive way for all.

Happy Full Wolf Moon - Peacock and Aquamarine April 5, 2018 09:51

Happy Full Wolf Moon in Cancer
January 1, 2017
Today's Super Full Moon in Cancer is the perfect start to this New Year. Time to go inward and reflect on what to build and create while indulging in some self care.  May your new year be full of blessings, love and light, self care, creating, manifesting and building your dreams
To a fabulous 2018!

Peacock represents rebirth, intuition, patience, kindness, good luck, self love, honor and balance.

Aquamarine is connected to the ocean. It provides peace and tranquility and helps reduce stress. A Throat Chakra Stone, it helps to speak from truth and encourages self expression. Its wonderful for meditation. It's considered to be the Stone of Courage. Aquamarine assists in letting go and helps to gain closure.

Full Cold Supermoon in Gemini - Fox and Agate April 5, 2018 09:30

Full Cold Supermoon in Gemini
December 3rd, 2017
Happy Full Supermoon in Gemini!
This one is in my sign!
Mercury Retrograde also starts today. Get your turquoise on! I chose Blue Lace Agate for this collage because it's wonderful for both Gemini and communication, which we'll need extra help with when Mercury is Retrograde.
Blue Lace Agate is a wonderful stone to promote communication, allowing us to speak from truth. It provides a calming energy and alleviates nervousness. It brings the right words to help successfully express emotions or thoughts with out anger. It's said to help with thyroid issues. Blue Lace Agate provides inspiration and hope to the wearer.

Fox medicine includes increased awareness, cunningness, ability to swiftly problem solve through all obstacles, awareness to see through deceit and facades, ability to disappear or seem invisible.

Full Beaver Moon - I'm Leaving Kansas City April 5, 2018 09:12

Full Beaver Moon in Taurus
November 3rd, 2017
Full Moon Farewell, Kansas City, Missouri!
I have lived here since 1999, longer than I've lived anywhere. I love KC, it's my home, and it's molded me into the person I am today. I have grown so much here and I will always cherish the memories, but it's time for this Midwest bird to fly to the West Coast.
After the holiday season ends, Ken and I will be moving to Astoria, OR!
I have dreamed of living by the ocean literally my entire life. Astoria offers ocean, river and mountain views that I cannot wait to explore!
Thank you, Kansas City, Missouri, for being my home for 18 years.

October Full Harvest and Hunter Moon October 5, 2017 15:40

Happy Full Harvest and Hunter Moon!
The Farmer's Almenac explains why this moon is both the Hunter and Harvest Moon of this year.  It happens to also be my and my husband's 3rd wedding anniversary!  I was almost done with this artwork and then I thought, "I should include the 3 year wedding anniversary stone in this."  As it turns out, Clear Quartz (and pearl) are the traditional 3rd year wedding anniversary stones.  So this Full Moon is extra special to me.  It's in the sign of Aires and here are what the experts have to say:
I normally launch new products on the New Moon but I am OREGON bound for our Anniversary trip October 10th through the 21st.  My husband lived in Portland for 7 years and Astoria for 3 years so he's showing me his old stomping grounds.  I lovingly call him, "Chef Squatch," so I feel as if we are taking him to his native land. The New Moon is on the 19th so I thought I would launch some items on the Full Moon so I can enjoy my trip.  Here are this Lunar Full Moon's offerings:
Conflict Free
Happy Full Moon!
Keep an eye on my Instagram for photos of OREGON!

New Moon September 20th -Traditional Birthstone Line September 20, 2017 11:32

Happy New Moon! 
New Moon, Newu Line
For this lunar month, I'm so proud to launch my Traditional Birthstone Line!  I've been working to source these stones for over half a year and finalized my collection at the Denver Gem Show earlier this month.  
Each necklace is on 16 inches of sterling silver chain with fancy lobster clasp closure.  They come in a beautiful box with a vintage science illustration of each stone on the top and the healing properties inside the lid.  
$33 each
These are the perfect gift and they are ready for the Holidays! 
This line will be on my website indefinitely, it is not a limited edition line.
Special thanks goes out to Stephanie Summers who helped with the graphic design of the box labels.  Thanks to my friend Melissa Dehner and the other fine folks at the Linda Hall Library for helping me source the vintage gemstone illustrations from their rare book collection.
January - Garnet
February - Amethyst
March - Aquamarine
April - Herkimer Diamond
May - Emerald
June - Pearl 
July - Ruby
August - Peridot
September - Sapphire
October - Opal

November - Topaz
December - Turquoise 
Join me tonight from 5-8 pm at my studio in the Bauer Building for the new line launch and New Moon celebration featuring 10 of KC's intuitivez, healers and light workers.
115 W 18th St
Suite 205
KCMO 64108

August 21st New Moon Total Solar Eclipse - My Experience Under the Belt of Totality August 31, 2017 08:24

This New Moon was unlike any I've experienced before in my lifetime!  It fell on a total solar eclipse which happened to be most visible just a 30 minute drive north of my home town, Kansas City, MO.  This was a highly anticipated event here as you might expect.  This was the first Solar Eclipse to be viewed from the Continental US since 1979 and the first to cross America coast to coast in 99 years.  The next viewable eclipse here won't happen until 2024.  
I was invited to participate as a vendor at an event in Weston, MO, right under the Belt of Totality.  I made a few new pieces in honor of the eclipse and decided to blog about my experience.
Before I do so, I must apologize for the tardiness of this blog!  I have been keeping myself a bit busier than usual with trunk shows and traveling. Even though these reports are also tardy, here is what some of my favorite astologers had to say about the eclipse:
This gorgeous time lapse composit photograph of the Great American Eclipse was created by Ken Geiger.
One of a Kinds
Available only on Etsy
I was invited to participate as a vendor in "Black Sheep in the Shadow", an event hosted by Green Dirt Farm.  Green Dirt is a sheep farm and creamery.  They are well known in Kansas City and surrounding areas for their delicous cheese.  My favorite is the Dirt Lover but there are so many wonderful options to choose from.
For this event, Green Dirt teamed up with The Rieger, one of KC's best known restaurants, to create an amazing meal for the event.  They offered 370 tickets and the event sold out in no time.  The entire staff of the farm, restaurant and all of the vendors got to participate and attend the event.
This old John Deere is located by the creamery, where they make all the cheese.  You don't get views like this in the city!
Everyone who participated was allowed to camp the night before on the farm.  I invited two of my best friends to help me out and we chose a secluded spot up a hill.  
This selfie is courtesy of Stephanie Summers, one of my best friends and also the graphic designer behind my business cards and Gigi Moon branding.  She is currently helping me with some new designs that I am excited to role out for the holidays.  Check out her website to see her work!  Tara Milleville, one of my best friends, is to the left.  Tara helps me fabricate some of my designs and she is a very talented Jane of all Trades.  We drank wine while I did some last minute show prep.  The oweners of Green Dirt Farm made a huge communal meal for everyone who camped out.  They literally rang a bell to tell us all the food was ready.
The next morning, people started to arrive by the shool bus load at 8:30am.  This photo shows a view from the top of the field looking down towards the Green Dirt Event Space.  The moment of Totality was to start at 1:06pm so everyone wanted to beat the traffic and get to the farm ASAP.  This field is normally full of grazing sheep and this was the most people who have ever been to the farm at one time.
Side-Booth shot!
We got to ride in the back of a pick up truck after we re-parked our cars.  This is one of my favorite fellow makers here in Kansas City.  Tara Tonsor has a genuine heart of gold.  She is the real deal!  We are constantly finding ourselves in endless conversations about maker life, creative inspiration, intuition and more.  Check out her beautiful work on her 
Hands down, my favorite part of the experience (besides the moon completely blocking out the sun, of course) were these three baby lambs.  They were just over a month old and so adorable! 
Howard Hanna, Chef Owner of the The Rieger, was hard at work the entire time making sure the makers, Green Dirt employees and volunteers were fed.  They made breakfast for us all and then went right into making lunch for the guests.  A sacrificial lamb was roasted, I was told it was incredible by my meat eating friends.  The crew from Ca/Va was also there selling hand crafted cocktails during the event.  
Everyone who attended got a pair of Eclipse glasses.  These bad boys were selling for a rediculous price the day before the eclipse.  This shot was taken right before the eclipse started.  
It unfortunately started to get cloudy right at this time.  We were all getting a little nervous about not getting to see the Eclipse.  No matter what, you could definitely feel it starting.  It made me feel dizzy and drousy but charged and excited at the same time.  We all caught a glimpse of the sun sliver leading up to totality.  
Unfortunately, the sky got cloudier as we got closer to totality.  When the "360 degree sunset" occured during totality, it started to rain and it stopped the moment the sun became uncovered.  
During this time, I sat cross legged on the ground and meditated under the rain.  As New Moons are a time of new beginnings, I was focusing on my intentions but mostly sending love and light out as our world desparately needs it right now.  This was one of the most amazing, intense meditations of my life thus far.  I've never been able to tune out so many human energies around me and tune in like this before.  It was an experience that I will never forget.  Although we didn't get to see the ring of totality, the rain added an intense healing energy that I feel Middle of America needs desperately.
Back to the lambs.  Of course.  Their handler, Elise, told me after the eclipse that these babies were making sounds she has never heard lambs make before during the moment of totality.  We also heard a chours of crickets begin to sing during the black out.  Even after totality, nature seemed to stand still for a bit.  Every living thing was affected by the energies of the eclipse.
This is the best shot I got of the eclipse.  I was able to see a glimpes of the Sun crescent before and after totality and took this shot with my cell phone through the glasses.  Sort of anticlimatic, I know.  To see some of the best eclipse photos, check out this gallery of eclipse photos from National Geographic.
Incredible photograph of the moment of totality
After the totality, Quixotic started their performance.  It was absolutely beautiful.
In conclusion, I was thrilled to be a part of this epic, once in a life time event.  I want to say thank you to Green Dirt Farm for hosting and opening your homestead to us all for this experience.
See you next time, Solar Eclipse!  2024 is around the courner-ish.

August 7th Full Moon Solar Eclipse August 30, 2017 09:42

Happy Belated Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse
According to the Farmer's Almenac, this moon was called the 'Sturgeon Moon'.  "The fishing tribes are given credit for the naming of this Moon, since sturgeon, a large fish of the Great Lakes and other major bodies of water, were most readily caught during this month. A few tribes knew it as the Full Red Moon because, as the Moon rises, it appears reddish through any sultry haze. It was also called the Green Corn Moon or Grain Moon."
Monday's full moon was also a partial lunar eclipse and its effects were powerful.  With the Sun in fiery Leo and the Moon in watery Aquarius, this one was intense!  It had me in an incredilbly reflective state, and I had a hard time focusing my energy on anything else.  Hence, the tardiness of this blog.  Eclipses bring about sudden change, so my of us experienced some major shifts over the past few days. Eclipses have a way of ripping away things that are no longer serving us, leaving us feeling vulnerable and out of control at first.  But eclipses have a funny way of knowing what's best for us.  Perthaps as we let the dust settle, we'll find that this was JUST the change we needed.  
Here's what a few of my favorite astrologers have to report:
For this Full Moon, I decided to add some of the Unisex pieces I've recently made to my Etsy shop!  I post all one of a kinds there and you can follow the links to below to purchase them.  These Unisex necklaces are all on thick antique brass or silver chain with larger lobster clasp closures.
August 21st Total Solar Eclipse of the Sun
This eclipse's path of totality goes 45 minutes north of my hometown, Kansas City.  
The last total solar eclipse viewed from contiguous United States was on Feb. 26, 1979 whose path passed through the northwestern U.S. states and Canada. After this total solar eclipse, the next annular solar eclipse that can be seen in the continental United States will be on October 14, 2023 which will be visible from Northern California to Florida. Following this, a total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024 visible from Texas to Maine.
I consider myself so lucky to be a part of this event on the day of the Solar Eclipse!  All my New Moon listings will be available and I'm making some one of a kinds in honor of the Eclipse.  This is a sold out event but I will blog about it!
I'm coming to CHICAGO!
I'm popping up at Squasht Boutique for a Happy Hour event on Friday, August 25th!
Happy Belated Full Moon!  
Love and Light to you all and my the Eclipse season treat you well.

July 23rd New Moon in Leo Part One July 24, 2017 08:37

This New Moon, July 23rd, marks the beginning of Leo, a fire sign that seeks to evoke our inner passions and stoke our creative flames.  This is a Two Part Leo New Moon series, with the second half taking place in the Third House of Leo on August 21st, which is also an intense Solar Eclipse!  
Here's what some of my favorite astrologers have to say about this New Moon:
Although this New Moon is focused on the King of the Jungle, I found myself focusing on the Bird of the City.  Pigeons.  I had taken this beautiful bird for granted most of my life until I got engaged to my husband in 2013.  He loves pigeons, they're one of his favorite animals.  I found this to be so sweet, as he is always rooting for the underdog in any situation. I then became more aware of the pigeons around me.  They're gathered on wires and buildings all over the KC Crossroads and downtown.  I find myself taking photos of them on their city perches.  I see them as regal creatures, looking out over their urban domain with pride.  
I recently had the pleasure to meet a baby pigeon named Dino, prounounced 'Dean' - 'O'.   He was injured and placed in the care of Jack, who fostered him back to health and is now proud owner of the Dapper Dino. Dino became far too socialized to let loose in the wild and needed a good home.  Pigeons are very loyal and make great pets.  They become attached to their owners and eventually can be trained to always return back to them.  They're very loving pets and like to cuddle and love being pet, and Dino is no exception.  
When Jack brought Dino over for the photo shoot, and it was such a delight to be in his presence.  We locked up my cats and let him fly around and get aquainted.  He took turns landing on our heads and shulders and walking around the apartment.  When we put the necklace on him, you could tell it made him happy!  Pigeons love shiny things and Dino pecked at the necklace a few times in approval.  Dino is used to wearing, "pigeon pants" which work as a leash harness (and diaper) so he is used to having things around his chest and neck.  
 The pigeon necklace is made with Labradorite and brass and is surrounded by Apatite, Pearl, Black Onyx and Coral.  All the stones were carefully chosen to match the colors of pigeons.  The photo above is a stock image of an adult male pigeon and it displays the beautiful mauves/magentas and teal colors of their neck and chests.  
Dino is only 3 months old so he's just now beginning to grow those colorful feathers.  He had a few teal ones growing already but his neck is still mostly grey.  Jack thinks the necklace makes Dino look like a Game of Thrones character.  I agree, it makes him look very regal and wise.  Here's a little photo Trio of Dino being held by Jack, wearing his new necklace.  
Dino got to take his necklace home and I hope he wears it on special occasions and enjoys its shinyness.  I don't know what compelled me to make jewelry for a pigeon other than my own amusement, but Dino truly loved it and that makes me so happy!
As I was writing this blog sitting on my front porch, I heard a pigeon cooing across the street.  I found that to be serendipitous, as I don't recall hearing a pigeon from our porch before.  Our trees are dominated by cardinal families so we're blessed with their melodies. It reminded me to look up the animal medicine meaning for Pigeon.  I'm not surprised that they represent peace and love, among many other awesome things.
Thank you, Dino, for making this New Moon so special with your peaceful presence and loving spirit.  And, of course, with your dapper looks!
Thank you, Laurie Ray, for lending your beauty to this New Moon's listings.  I hope everyone has a lovely New Moon and enjoys this creative and passionate Leo energy.