Gigi News
Happy Full Strawberry Moon in Capricorn, June 24th, 2021 June 24, 2021 14:21

This understanding comes only when man and beast enter a silent contract acknowledging mutual respect and awareness of responsibility to each other.
Alternatively, you must understand that real power is the wisdom found in remembering your journey as a whole. Furthermore, compassion, caring, teaching, loving, and sharing your gifts, talents, and abilities are the gateways to power.
Inevitably, Horse meaning advises you that all pathways have equal validity. Keeping this in mind will give you insight into the power and the glory of a unified family and humanity. Every human being must follow a pathway to empowerment before galloping upon the wings of destiny.”
I chose Aragonite because it’s a great stone for Capricorn. It’s a stone of action, it works with the Solar Plexus to inspire and motivate. Aragonite provides support and inspires confidence. It will help anyone reach the top of their mountain. Aragonite Is extremely nurturing and helps release negativity, fear, nervousness, stress and anger. It instantly connects one to the energies of Gaia to help ground and calm. Aragonite stabilizes the emotions and the mind. This creates a calmer state of being which then allows one to then complete their goals without emotional and mental interference. Aragonite aids in concentration and mental clarity. It’s a great stone to help one focus and finish tasks. It is a grounding stone that helps to bring truth to light. Aragonite helps one to see the true causes of problems so they may see solutions. It helps one to look at their shadow parts with a detached perspective so they may resolve and evolve. It helps one to see the true perspective of all situations. Aragonite helps one to be more accepting and lessen judgements of others.
I’ve lived in Oregon for a few years and have mined agates, jaspers, petrified wood and obsidian but I have not yet mined the State stone, Sunstone. Scott and I have talked about going to the Dust Devil Mine forever but it just hasn’t happened until now! We left Colorado and headed towards the mine, which is located in south central Oregon, in the high desert. Sunstones can be surface collected amongst the sage brush and juniper trees in the Public Collection Area, which is where we started our sunstone adventure. There are camp sites with a well maintained bathroom, picnic tables and fire pits available or you can park out in the collection fields if you prefer your privacy. We spent an afternoon collecting on public land and gathered a half a sandwich baggie full of yellow clears and a few schillers! The term, “schiller”, is unique to Sunstones and describes the fiery layers of copper glow for which the stones are coveted.
The large plateau behind the Sunstone Public Collection Area is Hart Mountain which is an Antelope sanctuary. You can drive to the top and camp in a few areas. The mountain top looks like a valley with its own little mountains and plateaus on top. It’s truly beautiful and there is even a hot spring to soak in after a long day of Sunstone digging.
The entrance to the Dust Devil Mine
This is a view of the Dust Devil Mine from the public collection area.
Hard hats are available for visitors and required for most activities.
One way to find Sunstones is through using sifting screens. You can pay to sift through concentrated ore piles which are guaranteed to produce some good stones.
The best way to get the top Sunstones is to do a belt run at the mine. It costs $100 to cover fuel and the extra hands to get all the stones. The belt run takes about an hour and it’s really fun. They fill the machine with concentrated ore and water it down so the Sunstones are more visible. The belt runs at your preferred speed and if you miss a stone, the extra miner hands are there to grab them for you.
We did three belt runs and walked away with some gorgeous stones! You only pay for the ones you want to keep and all the clear yellows are free. The Schillers are more valuable and the greens and reds are the most rare and valuable. The green color is actually a stone called Insta Prototype which only occurs within Oregon Sunstone.
These are the nicest of the Oregon Sunstones with Schiller we purchased from the three belt runs we did. Below are some close ups of the Schillers’ fire glowing in the sunlight.
The Schiller really pops when it’s faceted or canned. We plan to cut some ourselves.
These are the light reds, which are more valuable than than the Schillers.
These are the dark reds and Sunstones with Insta Prototype. The dark reds are the most valuable followed closely by the green included Sunstones.
This is the greenest of all the Sunstones with Insta Prototype.
This dark red Oregon Sunstone is so large and amazing that Leif, the mine manager, stopped the belt run for a brief gemstone appreciation moment. This stone alone was worth all three belt runs!
This is my favorite of all the Oregon Sunstones we mined at the Dust Devil Mine. Not only is it a deep red color, it also has an amazing layer of Schiller that glows like fire. I highly recommend going to the Dust Devil Mine if you are planning a few dig for Sunstones. Don, the owner, Leif and they rest of the team will take good care of you and you will leave with some amazing stones.
We were so lucky to be invited to vend at the gem show in Victor, Colorado, our new favorite town! It’s put on by the local mining museum, the Black Monarch Hotel and the Elk’s Lodge. Victor is an old mining town that had 15,000 inhabitants at its peak.
They call it the City of Mines and is the world’s largest producing gold mining area.
It was originally constructed from wood but the city burnt to the ground. It was rebuilt with brick and many of the town’s buildings remain in tact today.
There is still an active mine today that employs 550 people, most of whom commute from outplaying areas. Victor now has around 440 inhabitants but draws many tourists each year.
There are old mine ruins everywhere and you can feel the ghosts of old inhabitants watching you at times. It was a city of miners, brothels, bars, the true Wild West. It burnt to the ground once and was rebuilt entirely of brick which is the gorgeous city that remains today. The architecture is stunning and there are still huge piles of ruins from the original town everywhere.
One of the locals gathers old bits of China and purple glass from the ruins to make jewelry and crafts. The glass was originally clear but the metal oxide manganese it was made with turns to purple with continuous exposure to UV light from the sun over time. It takes the right conditions and decades of time for the glass to turn purple and therefore it’s valued as an antique. I bought some of the China and purple glass from her to make jewelry.
I love Nicola Tesla and was so excited to have him watching over us all weekend long. The mural was commissioned by the owners of the Black Monarch Hotel, Adam and Rachel.
They restored and transformed the old historic brothel into a haunted themed hotel with a haunted themed boutique. They are currently working on their coffee shop that will be opening opening soon. The original decorative tin roofs are reason alone to visit this historic old brothel now hotel. We met Adam and Rachel at our booth and they purchased a bunch of our gemstone specimens to sell in their boutique. They also hired an awesome blue grass band to play for all the vendors Saturday night. We look forward to staying a night in their hotel some time.
Scott made a new moth friend who hung out with us for a few hours last night at our camp site.
The moon looked pretty full last night from our camp site in Colorado. It was beautiful!
Our next show is in over three weeks in Durango, Colorado. We will be taking some time to finish the van conversion, make jewelry, cut stones and relax. We’re looking forward to it!
I feel so blessed to be living the van life and I hope everyone enjoyed our travel blog! Happy SUMMER!!!! I hope everyone is enjoying this full moon in Capricorn!
Love and light to you all!
Happy Full Flower Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius May 26, 2021 May 30, 2021 10:46

According to, “Bighorn Sheep symbolism is a sign of vigour. When this spirit animal appears unexpectedly before you, it is a message that you have all the power needed to overcome the battles you are currently facing. Thus, this mammal asks you not to flee from a problem but to face it head-on. This animal also tells you to acknowledge the greatness that lies within you. Bighorn Sheep meaning is reminding you to hold yourself in high esteem and call the shots in your life.” “Bighorn Sheep symbolism advises you to adapt to challenging situations. The message this power animal brings to you is that ignoring the challenge of change will only deny you the chance to grow and reach your full potential in life.
Furthermore, Bighorn Sheep meaning reminds you to fight fiercely for what you believe. Your friends and family might not support you or believe in your dreams, but that shouldn’t stop you from chasing hard after them. Alternatively, Bighorn symbolism could be an indication that your loved ones now need your protection.”
According to,, “Horns play a big part of Sheep symbolism and meaning. Yes, a Ram’s horns are an effective and dangerous weapon. But a Ram’s horns grow into a spiral. The spiral is an ancient symbol of eternity. Spirals also represent the circular nature of life, death, and rebirth.
One often missed part of Sheep symbolism is their incredible balance and sure-footed nature. Bighorn Sheep only need a two-inch space to gain a foothold. This means Sheep can climb mountains using opportunistic ‘ledges’ that are easily missed by others or passed on by those who don’t have the courage to take the risk of falling. On those days when you think you just don’t know where to step, look for even the tiniest opportunity and make the leap.”
It. Was. MAGICAL!!!!

Our collective find of perfect 90 degree angle Staurolite crosses.
This is the Staurolite I kept. I found it exactly like it appears in this photo. It’s hard to spot them unless you know what you’re looking for and have a trained eye.
As we walked to our car after the dig, a beautiful rainbow appeared over Taos in the distance. Magic!
Staurolite, also known as Fairy Cross, is pure magic! It’s a talisman of good luck. Staurolite is a very grounding Earth Star Chakra and Root Chakra stone that connects us deeply to Gaia and to fairies and other beings in the natural world. Staurolite is also a Third Eye Chakra stone that helps increase intuition. It connects the spiritual, physical and etheric planes and improves communication between them. Staurolite is excellent to use in mediation due to its grounding and protective nature. It acts as a shield against negativity, accidents, psychic attack and disease. Staurolite helps ease anxiety and stress and makes us feel safe and protected. A very grounding stone, it assists in ending destructive habits. It forces us to see what we need to change so we can better ourselves. Staurolite stabilizes the emotions, and emits a protective energy, creating feelings of safety and security. It promotes lucid dreaming and astral travel and is great to have on your night stand or under your pillow.
We took our time getting to Taos from Arizona. We found this adorable little Horny Toad in the Gila National Forest.
We hiked to the Gila Forest Cliff Dwellings which were constructed and inhabited by the Mogollon people. They were hunters, gatherers and farmers who lived in the Cliff Dwellings between the late 1270s and 1300s. We weren’t allowed inside the dwellings due to Covid but we enjoyed the beautiful views from outside.
We will definitely come back to do the inside tour once it re-opens. This was one of the most amazing things I’ve seen all year!
We camped right by the shore of the Elephant Glass Butte Lake. It’s just a few miles outside of Truth or Consequences and is the largest lake in New Mexico. We paddle boarded, swam and relaxed for a few days. We drove in to T or C to soak a few times at the Riverbend Hot Springs. I highly recommend treating yourself to a private soak for an hour.
You can pay for a camp site with a view up top or pay to camp along the lake. There are over 500 spots all around the edge to choose from. We ended up making some friends with our camp neighbors, Jasmine and Johnny. On our last night, Scott treated us to a fire poi performance. Jasmine French is an aspiring photographer who took these AMAZING photos of Scott in action. She just bought herself a brand new Canon and judging by these photos, she’s already amazing!
I saw Redrocks Amphitheater for the first time and walked all the way up and down the stairs. We also did a hike up the mountainside.
We had a great time at the Aurora, Colorado Gem Show. We will be back to vend next year.
For my birthday, Scott planned two whole days of adventures. We soaked in the Glenwood Hot Springs, steamed in the Yampa Vapor Caves, saw a small private Dirtwire concert, rode the Gondola and visited two caves at the top of the mountain, which is also an amusement park.
Check out this gorgeous cave! We explored both of the caves in a guided tour, which took about 11/2 hours total. It was absolutely amazing!
On our way to Oregon, we stopped at the Shoshone Falls Park in Twin Falls, Idaho. Breathtaking!
This was quite an amazing month of exploring, I feel so blessed. I hope everyone enjoyed this full moon lunar eclipse in Sagittarius!
Love and light to you all!
Happy Full Pink Super Moon in Scorpio, April 26th, 2021 April 30, 2021 15:26

Thanks to this seasonal association, this full Moon came to be called the ‘Pink’ Moon!

Morganite is a heart and upper crown chakra stone that inspires divine love and romance. It activates, clears and energizes the heart chakra. Morganite is said to bring more love into your life. It has a gentle, innocent and soothing energy. It also promotes healing, especially in women. Morganite’s high yet gentle vibrations awaken the divine feminism within. It helps to release feelings of guilt and shame. It inspires compassion and understanding. It is an amazingly powerful stone to use to strengthen romantic relationships. It helps to increase patience and respect, both self respect and respect for others. Morganite helps men balance their feminine and masculine energies, while still maintaining their masculinity. It increases intuition and strengthens spirituality. Morganite helps fascilitate a better connection with one’s Angels and spirit guides.
Our Tucson adventure began with seeing this coyote near my parent’s house. He sat there while several people photographed him. I think he was posing!
We had a few days to hang out with my parents before setting up our booth for the Tucson Gem Show. We explored the Sonoita Wine Country, just a little over an hour away.
Hops and Vine
The Meading Room
Charron Vineyards
This was our booth at the Miner’s Co-op showcase at this year’s Tucson Gem Show. The show went from April 8th - 25th. We had three separate “shops”, to the left was the raw materials and slabs, the middle section was cut stones and high end specimens, the right section was jewelry.
We sold quite a bit of our Avropium Gems Silica matrix stone find! People were naturally drawn to it and we sold slabs, raw and cabochons.
We had sections of Gigi Moon Jewelry, Cosmic Aether Jewelry and other jewelry.
This year’s Tucson Gem Show was definitely strange compared to other years. It wasn’t nearly as busy as last years. There were only 25 out of 49 showcases. I was so grateful to be there even though it wasn’t as busy as normal. The last day, a huge F-0 strength dust devil flew right into our booth. Thank goodness our trailer took the brunt of it and only one canopy and a few pieces of jewelry were damaged. It toppled over a few of the other vendors tents, too, but luckily no one was seriously injured. We went out with a bang, I’d say!
The best part of having the gem show in April vs February was seeing the Saguaro cactus and other desert plants bloom.
After the show ended, we spent some time with Scott’s “Viking” friend, Roark, who took us in a hike to see the, “ancients”. Petroglyphs from thousands of years ago.
We saw the sun set about four different times as we hiked back. It was absolutely gorgeous!
My favorite score from the Tucson Gem Show was the elusive, unicorn rare BLUE GARNET!!!
For years, it was common knowledge in the gem world that Garnets come in every color BUT blue. I’ve always believed they would discover a blue garnet in my life time, and, finally, they have! What’s even more exciting is that they change color in different light!!
Behold, the extremely rare Color Change Blue Garnets from Tanzania!
These Tanzanian gems change from from blue in daylight to purple in incandescent light.
These are 1.5mm - 1.8mm in size. I made myself the first stacker ring and will offer them for sale at $70 on my website. I’m so grateful snd excited to have one and some to offer. I will also be uploading new Chakra Gem Necklaces, one of a kind Lemurian Seed Crystal and Citrine necklaces, and a Palo Santo crystal perfume blend so stay tuned!
I hope everyone enjoyed this full moon in Scorpio!
Love and light to everyone!
Happy Full Worm Moon in Libra March 28th, 2021 March 29, 2021 17:37

Conversely, Flamingo symbolism may be pointing out that you are blending in a bit too well right now. In other words, you need to allow yourself to be different and to think for yourself. Thus, the Flamingo meaning prompts you to maintain your individuality within the crowds.”

40% Off Jewelry Sale ends April 1st at midnight
We spent the entire month of March in and around Lake Havasu City, AZ. During that time, we spent a few nights on the California side. Here’s a view of Lake Havasu City just after sunset. We had a dance party to Sofi Tucker shortly after this photo.
My shipping station for packing up orders.
I have been using leftover fabric from Scott’s furry hats. He has made and sold them at music festivals for over 13 years.
We used our paddle boards on the lake and spent as much time on the beaches as possible.
The water was nice and cool And the weather fluctuated between 70 - 90 degrees. It’s truly an oasis in the desert.
I bought a new guitar! I sold my acoustic, electrics and amp to move into the van. I bought this Yamaha hybrid electric accoustic after playing in public for the first time in 10 years. Our new friend, Kevin Jaxon, invited me to play a few of my songs the first night we met during his set at Burgers by the Bridge. I played there 4 Sundays in a row thanks to him! We got a chance to jam one night as well and he is magic on a guitar! He has a band called Kevin Jaxon and Midnight Sun that plays rhythm and blues music every Tuesday night and Jeremy’s June Joint. When I come back, he’s going to record some of my songs.
I played a few open mic nights at Finney’s which happens every Monday night. Lake Havasu city has a great music scene and a lot of opportunities for artists.
Hanging out in Havasu.
The London Bridge is the center of the city. The phone booth is also from London. You can watch the boats, kayaks and paddle boarders traversing the canal under the bridge, which connects it to the island on the other side.
We got stuck in the gravel at a BLM site outside of LHC while visiting our friends, Stephanie and Travis and their kids, Zion and Skyanne. They helped us dig out the gravel and build a cobblestone road. Our other friends, Robert and Linda, pulled us out with their heavy duty truck. We’re so grateful to have such amazing friends. Both Stephanie and Linda have their own small businesses. Stephanie wildcrafts potion tinctures that holistically heal on a mind, body and soul level. She harvests everything herself and communes with the plants and her guides to create her potions. I use her Hormonal Balance Potion and it has helped my cramps so much, it has transformed my period completely. Her website is:
Linda makes all natural soaps, candles and lotion bars. I use her body butter, charcoal face soap and tobacco and cedar lotion bar. She makes wonderful products bed is delving into the CBD realm. Her website is:
Scott got our trailer organized so we have easier access to our jewelers’ benches. I spent some time learning how to engrave and filling website orders and he made some new pieces with pave set stones.
I created this custom art piece for a man named Dave I met in Lake Havasu City.
Our last night in Lake Havasu City, AZ on the full moon. We will miss this quirky, artsy desert oasis and look forward to coming back next year. Now, we’re Tucson bound for the GEM SHOW! We will be at the Miner’s Co-op showcase representing our new gemstone venture, Ra Stones!
I hope everyone enjoyed this full moon in Libra!
Love and light to everyone!
Happy Full Wolf Moon in Virgo, February 27th, 2021 March 29, 2021 16:09

In nature, Octopus prefers to move along the bottom of their realm. They frequently move, shifting with the water’s movements. In this Octopus teaches us how to work with whatever is “in motion” vs. fighting against it. Additionally, no matter Octopus’ magical abilities, She stays close to the ground of the watery realms for stability.”

Garnets we plucked from Quartz matrix. I’ve nevery seen garnets in Quartz before.
Desert Druzy Batryoidal Chalcedony
Agate with teal inclusions
Scott, my partner in life, love, rocks, and everything is still offering 50% off his website. Go shopping!
I hope everyone enjoyed this full moon in Gemini!
Love and light to everyone!
Happy Full Wolf Moon in Leo, January 28th, 2021 March 29, 2021 16:09

Havana exploring new territory on the beach of Lake Mojave, AZ.
Peruvian Blue Water Opal Rough! We bought enough at Quartzsite to turn into a tray of cabochons.
We entertained ourselves after sundown with some live music! Our new friend, Bradley, brought his whole set up to play and encourage others to play. It worked! We had such a blast the last show in Quartzsite after we moved to this row. So many talented people came out of their hiding to jam with us.
I drew this image of Havana with ball point pen and added digital doodles. Havana is a mythical creature.
Havana loves to lie in the sun and bathe. The water is so calm at Lake Mojave that she took a cat nap right on the shore.
Scott, my partner in life, love, rocks, and everything is still offering 50% off his website. Go shopping!
I hope everyone enjoyed this full moon in Gemini!
Love and light to everyone!
Happy Full Cold Moon in Cancer December 29th, 2020 March 29, 2021 16:09

“Moose symbolism is letting you know that you – and only you – have the authority to make your choices in life. Therefore, the Moose meaning insists that you do not need to feel ashamed or pressured in any way by your friends and peers. It is safe for you to make choices that are different from theirs. This spirit animal teaches you to stand loud and proud and own who you are! In other words, your individuality is your strength.
Alternatively, Moose symbolism reflects the fact that you should spend some time developing your self-esteem.”
It might seem strange that I chose an albino moose rather than a common brown moose. During my research, I encountered the story of the great white moose from Nova Scotia that was trophy hunted by some good old boys. I used this moose to highlight the importance of the significance of albino animals.
According to an article by www.wide open, “The aboriginal communities had been watching and were very aware of this specific animal for quite sometime. Years actually. "White animals" have a very significant role in their culture, as shared by Mi'kmaq hunter Danny Paul:
"We know the significance and we've been teaching that to the non-native population for almost 500 years -- about the importance that this and other white animals played in our lives," he said. "We are not to harm them in any way, shape, or form because they could be one of our ancestors coming to remind us of something significant that's going to happen within our communities."”
The hunters felt remorse and returned the hide, although they kept the head as their trophy. Trophy hunting MUST be stopped. This story stung my sole to its core and I wanted to tell the albino moose’s story to create awareness.

We had our first booth in Quartzsite this year! It was a strange year due to Covid but it was still fun.
We found what we thought was a huge chunk of Gem Dino Bone near Death Valley, CA on our way to Quartzsite. While there, we were able to slice it up with our new saw and identify it as Stromatolite, which is actually the oldest fossil on earth. It’s found commonly in Australia but is not common to the US. Ours has Dolomites and it phosphoresces.
After Quartzsite, we spent some time relaxing. We found Mojave Lake and did some paddle boarding.
We fed the ducks, cooters and geese. Some even ate from our hands.
We went to Las Vegas to check out the new Omega Mart Meow Wolf art experience. It was seriously brilliant!
Havana really enjoys van life! She loves being outside. Here she is in Death Valley, CA.
I uploaded some new chakra gem necklaces.
We found our way serendipitously to Lake Havasu City, AZ, my new favorite desert oasis. This is the London Bridge, which was bought by the town’s creator and reassembled piece by pice in 1971.
I hope everyone enjoyed this full moon in Cancer!
Love and light to everyone!
Happy Full Moon in Gemini November 30th, 2020 February 27, 2021 09:05

Scott took me to Hemenway Park in Boulder City, Nevada. It was on our route and it’s known as a big horn sheep sanctuary. They come down daily to graze and humans are instructed to leave them be and no feeding is allowed. The sheep keep to themselves and people do park things, it’s pretty awesomely surreal.

Alternatively, Swan symbolism is reminding you of your inner grace and beauty. This poise is something that you must allow to shine forth for others to see.”

40% Off Jewelry Sale resumes!
Scott, my partner in life, love, rocks, and everything is still offering 50% off his website. Go shopping!
I hope everyone enjoyed this full moon in Gemini!
Love and light to everyone!
Happy Full Hunter's Blue Moon in Taurus, October 31st, 2020 October 29, 2020 18:57

This well-known lunar cycle was discovered in 432 BC by the Greek, Meton, of Athens. He determined that after 19 years have elapsed, the phase of the Moon will repeat on the same date. Well , not always. Because of slight variations in the Moon’s orbital period, and the number of leap days that intervene over a 19-year time span, the Metonic Cycle can be accurate only to within a day.
For a Halloween full Moon, the Metonic Cycle worked well early in the 20th Century—in the years 1925 and 1944. But thereafter, using the cycle, the date of full Moon shifted a day to November 1st (in 1963, 1982, and 2001). But then, in 2020, it returned to October 31st. Making it a rarer sight, indeed.
But for 2020 on through the balance of the 21st century, a full Moon on Halloween will occur once every 19 years."

Blue Agate is a Throat Chakra stone, which assists in constructive communication, helping one to listen as well as speak their thoughts clearly and eloquently. It also connects with the Heart Chakra, opening one to empathy and seeing the other persons’s perspective. It is an excellent stone for both platonic and romantic relationships. It helps create deep connectivity and helps to builds trust. Blue Agate is calming, it relieves stress and helps one to relax. It lessens negativity and helps one to let go of past traumas that are holding one back in the present moment. Blue Agate helps one connect deeply within themselves to discover their true desires so they may find their true calling. It connects with higher realms, opening channels with spirit guides and the higher self to help with proper decision making. Blue Agate brings positivity and helps boost energy levels. It increases concentration, making it a good stone for studying.
Magnetite is all about polarity, it attracts and repels your intentions, making it a great stone for manifestation. It's very grounding and works to balance the Root Chakra. It helps to keep people from slipping into fear, anger and grief. Magnetite increases energy levels and is a very positive stone. Magnetite aligns the chakras while worn or carried and helps create emotional balance. It helps to balance the mental and emotional bodies so they work together in harmony. Magnetite helps one to develop a more intimate understanding of their own intuitive language and therefore helps one to trust their intuition. It's perfect for meditation as it helps ground one while also connecting to the higher chakras. Magnetite increases telapathy, psychic abilities and clairvoyance. Magnetite is wonderful to attract what you want in your life, especially love and loyalty. It forms in black to grey colored octohedron shapes, which glow as rainbows inside Fire Obsidian and dots inside Polka Dot Agate.
Elk are a very common sight in the areas surrounding my home in Astoria. Oregon. You see them grazing in the fields around the nearby highways. Last week, we encoutered an entire herd in a local park. We were just a few yards away in our van, and Scott was able to take some amazing photos. I didn't realize we were heading into a Taurus full moon when I declared Elk as this month's full moon animal.
According to, www.native-american-totems, "Elk medicine teaches us that by pacing ourselves we increase our stamina. Elk people may not complete a project first, but when it is done they have not burned themselves out. Elk are able to look at the long journey and to “hit their stride” to maintain energy and perseverance.
Animal spirit Elk reminds us of the importance of community, most especially fellowship with our same gender. Herds of elk are normally female or male and only unite during mating season. We are reminded by Elk that there is always support if we need it.
Elk also tells us to be aware of subtle changes around us and to be ready for a quick response.
Elk medicine stands for stamina, strength, nobility, pride, and survival.
40% Off Jewelry Sale resumes!
New Essential Oil Gemstone Perfume Blends!
Halloween Full Moon Series
$16 Each
Earlier this month, I created Lost Forest for the October 1st full moon. I created Blue Moon in honor of the 2nd full moon this Halloween on October 31st. I threw in some high vibrational flower energy in between with Flowers of Life.
Lost Forest
Essential Oil Gemstone Perfume Blend
Lost Forest Essential Oil Gemstone Perfume captures the essence of one of my favorite forests, near Hansen Creek, Washington. This forest is full of old growth pine trees covered in oak moss and old man’s beard, huge ferns and other foliage with rich, deep soil, mushrooms and sounds of running creek water and Crystals! Hansen Creek is a well known crystal hunting spot and the crystal in this perfume blend comes from this very place. My goal was to create a scent that smells like digging in the rich soils of Hansen Creek surrounded by pines and fern.
The blend has a rich mossy pine scent with notes of spice and vanilla. The Oak Moss gives this blend it’s perfect tint of green. The crystals still have some of the soil imbedded in them.
The blend contains Oak Moss, Fir Needle, Patchouli, Rose, Vanilla, Jasmine and Sweet Orange essential oils in Jojoba Oil with a Hansen Creek Crystal.
Flowers of Life
Essential Oil Gemstone Perfume Blend
Flowers of Life Essential Oil Gemstone Perfume contains some of the highest vibrational flower essential oils. It has a bright, soft, serene bouquet as if from a fifth dimensional meadow. It’s fresh and floral scent is reminiscent of tulip mixed with honeysuckle.
It’s made with Rose, Ylang Ylang, Neroli, Lavender, Rosewood and Helichrysum In Jojoba Oil with Amethyst and Clear Quartz.
Blue Moon
Essential Oil Gemstone Perfume Blend
Blue Moon is a scent created to honor the 2nd full moon of this October, an occasion that doesn’t happen every year. This blue moon happens to fall on Halloween, something that only happens every 19 years. This moon is in Taurus so I created a sultry, earthy, spicy and sweet blend in her honor.
Cardamom, Rose, Vanilla, Turmeric, Benzoin, Sage, Neroli, Oak Moss in Jojba Oil with Blue Lace Agate, Agate I mined from First Creek, Washington, and a clear quartz point.
Oregon Polka Dot Agate Mining!
Blue Ice Polka Dot Agate Cabochons
$20 - $70
I've created a new product section, "Gemstones Specimens and Cabochons" for my finds. I have an arsenal of stones that I've been mining and I will add things as I can. Just click on the product section and you can see this new option in the drop down menu. Please note that no discounts apply to gemstones, my prices are wholesale.
Blue Ice Polka Dot Agate Sterling Silver Ring, $222
Choose Your Own Green Turquoise Sterling Silver Ring!
Only $65!!
My Instagram / Facebook exclusive offer will expire on November 7th! Claim yours while there’s still time. I will be closing for custom orders while we prepare for #vanlife and our journey to Arizona for the annual Quartzsite and Tucson Gem Shows!
Nevada Green Turquoise Cabochons
All claimable except #3
Nevada Green Turquoise Facets
All Claimable
To Claim, message me on Instagram or Facebook with the number of stone. I will respond with a PayPal link and request for your size and address. If you don’t know your size, I’ll send a link to a website that can help you measure any finger.
Scott, my partner in life, love, rocks, and everything is still offering 50% off his website. Go shopping!
I hope everyone enjoyed this full blue moon in Taurus!
Love and light to everyone!
Happy Full Harvest Moon in Aries, October 1st, 2020 October 1, 2020 10:17 6 Comments

Ammolite is the opalized outer shell of fossilized Ammonite, an extinct group of marine animals that lived 415 million years ago. Although they look like cousins of living Nautilus, they are in fact related to living octopuses, squid, and cuttlefish. While Ammonite are found all over the world, Ammolite is only found in the Rocky Mountains of North America. Ammolite contains every color of the rainbow in it's layers. It resonates with the Root Chakra, making it very grounding and protective. It helps bring alignment to all chakras as it has all colors of the rainbow within its fosilized layers. Ammolite provides comfort and a feeling of security and is helpful for combating depression. It increases self worth and assists in personal awakening and evolution of consciousness. Ammolite inspires one to appreciate life more as well as inspires personal growth and wisdom. Ammolite helps to stimulate "Chi", the Universal life force, as the Golden Mean is found within its spiraled chambers. It is good luck and attracts prosperity and success. Ammolite is extremely useful for past life recall and is useful in meditation.
A few days ago, I had the amazing experience of holding a honey bee on my pointer finger tip - twice! I encountered each bee sitting at a different location but both seemed to be a bit off their proper paths. I found one in the middle of a road and the other in the middle of a sidewalk. They each seemed a bit out of it and didn't try to move or fly away from me. I simply stuck my fingertip out in front of them and very gently nudged each one until they crawled up for a ride. I immediately felt empowered and blessed by their energy as I watched each one crawl around on my fingertip. I was able to help these two little creatures to better locations, safer from predators and cars. I realized then that this lunation's full moon animal had presented itself to me.
I have always loved honey bees and used to play with them as a little girl. I would welcome them to safety and encourage them to land on my hands and arms. I would pet them and talk to them. I used to try to sneak my bee friends inside the house using plastic bags with airholes so we could play longer. My mother was not ammused! To this day, my fascination and love for honey bees continues. As an adult, they still let me pet them and I have never been stung. If only I could remember my conversations with the bees as as young girl!
According to,, "When bee buzzes in as your Spirint Animal, it's a reminder to trust in miracles. Bee as a Totem Animal is for those whose greatest wish is for all living things to co-exist in peace & love."
"When Bee appears in your life, the most common message it carries has to do with your levels of productivity. Sometimes we are doing too much, and in others not enough. Bee Spirit has a strong work ethic, but it also knows the importance of stopping and smelling the flowers."
"Technically speaking, Bee should not be able to fly – it’s designed all wrong aerodynamically. From a spiritual perspective, this speaks of our limitations and how to move past them successfully. It’s doubtful that Bee knows it shouldn’t fly – it simply DOES, and so can you."
"Bee fits a very specific role in nature pollinating other plants; this is necessary to the on-going life cycle of many crops. It also delivers humans with wax and honey, giving Bee the additional symbolic value of providence." "The pollination process also symbolizes our social nature. Bees live and work as a community. As they go from flower to flower, that progression enriches the world. Bee people very often become motivational speakers, teachers, healers and lightworkers for the greater global village. Their language of love is mindful service.
A Bee’s honeycomb represents the Heart Chakra and life’s sweetness. Bee has strong ties to the sun, light, and warmth." "Bee Spirit is also a strong protector, willing to give its life in defense of whatever mission prevails. Those guided by Bee find themselves defending the underdog as well as those they love with fierceness."
40% Off Sale resumes!
Oregon Polka Dot Agate Mining!
The last week of August, Scott and I were invited by my friends, Christine and Dana of Submissive Stone, to go digging at the Polka Dot Agate Mine. This was the first weekend the mine has ever been open to the public and we were so lucky to be there! The original owners, Dennis and Dale, have sold the mineral rights to the new owner, John, and we got to be there to see the hand off. All three were present and it was great to get to know them and everyone else who was there mining. Some drove in from as far as Idaho and California for the special event! We spent a few afternoons digging and hanging out with everyone until it was time to head home. We brought back a lot of Blue Ice Polka Dot Agate, which is what we were hoping for! Right before we were invited to dig at the mine, we saw the Blue Ice Polka Dot Agate for the very first time online and we were both obsessed! We had just recently purchased a lot of Polka Dot Agate Cabochons, which are amazing, but they look nothing like the Blue Ice. It's sooooo GEMMY and it almost contraluzes when it's cut, meaning the blue has an opal like internal glow. It's the hardest stone I've cut so far and it took me over 10 hours to cut my first 7 stones.
Polka Dot Agate Mine entrance. The mine is located in the high desert near Ashwood, OR.
I love how they painted their trailer!
Here's a shot of the entire pit. They use excavators to break the stone up into smaller boulders and pieces. This was the largest pit I've ever had the pleasure of digging through.
In the pit mining!
I think this is Dennis driving the excavator. He came down into the pit to tear off some fresh rock for everyone.
My friend, Christine, who made this dig possible for us! She and her husband, Dana, have been mining, cutting rocks and making jewelry as Submisive Stone for several years. They invited me along to my very first PNW dig several years ago and have absolutely inspired me to cut my own cabochons. They're both as kind, sweet and knowledgeable as they are talented and they make amazing, unique work. They had a trunk show during the event and all of their products and cut stones looked stunning!
This is a photo of part of a raw Polka Dot Agate boulder. It's known for it's brown magnesium spots and stripes and is found in shades of cream, white, brown, red, yellow and light blue.

Polka Dot Agate and Jade Copper and Sterling Silver Necklace $170
This is an example of one of the Polka Dot Agate Cabochons we purchased from an American vendor about a month before the invitation to dig. We have several more available, many of which are big like this one, many are medium in size. We have them available for sale at the gallery in Astoria and are happy to send photos if anyone wants to purchase cabochons. We charge $20 per Polka Dot Agate Cabochon (please note our gemstone prices are wholesale and no discount applies)
Ice, Ice, Baby!!!!
With some guidance from our friends, we found the Blue Ice Polka Dot Agate vein! Even in its raw form it's gemmy. This was a piece we picked up to sell as a speciman in our gallery, but it sold before it ever hit the shelf. We showed it to a friend who fell absolutely in love with it, obsessed immediatly. We offered him a great deal for it and he proudly brought his new friend home.
Blue Ice Polka Dot Agate Cabochons
$20 - $70
I've created a new product section, "Gemstones Specimens and Cabochons" for my finds. I have an arsenal of stones that I've been mining and I will add things as I can. Just click on the product section and you can see this new option in the drop down menu. Please note that no discounts apply to gemstones, my prices are wholesale.
Blue Ice Polka Dot Agate Sterling Silver Ring, $222
Join us for Second Saturday Art Walk at West Coast Artisans! We will be out of town this coming weekend but our jewelry and loose gemstones will be there. Our friend and gallery mate, Janet, will be there to assist you!
West Coast Artisans
160 10th Street
Astoria, OR 97103
Wed - Sat
12 - 4pm
Scott, my partner in life, love, rocks, and everything is still offering 50% off his website. Go shopping!
I hope everyone enjoyed this full moon in Aries!
Love and light to everyone!
Happy Full Corn Moon in Pisces, September 1st 2020 September 1, 2020 19:11 6 Comments

That’s the case in 2020, when October will experience two full Moons: one on October 1 (the Harvest Moon) and the other on the 31st (the Hunter’s Moon and a Blue Moon, too)!"

Black Tourmaline is a talisman of protection. It acts as a psychic mirror, deflecting negative energies and entities. It protects against emotional vampires, a perfect stone for empaths. It also guards against EMFs, radiation and pollutants. Black Tourmaline helps to turn one’s own negative thoughts and internal conflicts into positive energy. Black Tourmaline is both an Earth and Root Chakra stone. Black tourmaline is a great stone to use for healing work as it realigns the chakras from crown to root. Also known as "Schorl", it's an incredibly powerful stone of protection. It wards off negative energy, psychic attacks, emotional vampires, curses, ghosts and ill wishes. A great stone for empaths, it helps protect you from other peoples' energies and emotions so the empath doesn't take them on as their own. Ancient magicians believed that Black Tourmaline would protect them from “earth demons” as they cast their spells. Black Tourmaline balances the left and right brain hemispheres and helps turn negative thoughts into positive ones. It also repels against electromagnetic energies from electronics and computers as well as radiation and pollution. A very grounding stone, it eases anxiety and stress as well as alleviates panic attacks. It must be cleansed often.
According to,, "In general, Dolphin symbolism is a reminder that you need to get out with your peers and family and play. In other words, most of us, as adults, take our responsibilities very seriously and end up focusing on our work and families. Therefore, the Dolphin meaning is letting you know that you have to take time out and play. After all, this spirit animal insists that laughter, joy, movement, and engaging your mind on fun is the best way to relieve stress and regroup.
Alternatively, Dolphin symbolism is prompting you to balance and harmonize your environment. In this case, one of the best ways that you can do this is by practicing love for each other. To clarify, find ways that you can help the young, the sick, by providing guidance, healing, and companionship. In other words, join a peaceful community today and celebrate how much we are all alike, instead of focusing on our differences."
Dolphin also represents,
"Balance, Community, Contentment, Creativity, Curiosity, Friendship, Generosity, Gentleness, Grace, Harmony, Intelligence, Language, Letting Go, Newness, Playfulness, Power, Resurrection, Rhythm, Sexuality, Transcendence."
Gemstone Stacker Rings!
These rings are sterling silver with handcut gemstones from the estate we bought in Quartzite, AZ this January. These gemstones were hand cut in the 1980's and you cannot beat the color and quality. We have multiples of each stone so I am creating a Stacker Series, starting with these 9 rings! Each one has a drop down menu so you can choose your size, including half sizes! I went a little nuts and made 3 Sapphire rings because it's the September birthstone and I wanted to have options. I'll add to the series along the way, and I'll be certain to let everyone know when new Gemstone Stacker Babies are available.
Sapphire 3mm Round Sterling Silver Stacker Ring $90
Rhodolite Garnet 3mm Round Sterling Silver Stacker Ring $45
Green Tourmaline 2mm Round Prong Set Sterling Silver Stacker Ring $40
Black Star Sapphire 4mm Round Sterling Silver Stacker Ring $68
Citrine 3mm Round Sterling Silver Stacker Ring $40
Peridot 3mm Round Sterling Silver Stacker Ring $40
Aquamarine 3mm Round Sterling Silver Stacker Ring $40
Sapphire 2mm Round Prong Set Sterling Silver Stacker Ring $55
Amethyst 3mm Round Sterling Silver Stacker Ring $40
New Faceted Free Form Gemstone Sterling Silver Necklaces!
Join me Thursday, September 10th, at 3pm PST for a Live Stream Sale! I'm moving in to a van and I'm downsizing my life, including my amazing personal gemstone collection. I want to give you all first pic of the litter, including this huge and AMAZING Green Fluorite crystal. I will be selling it for $200, which is just above wholesale price. I will have crystals large and small starting at $10, all of which have been amazing healing tools that I am ready to send off to new homes. They have all been charged and cleansed on this evenings full moon.
Charoite Drop Sterling Silver Necklace $42
Faceted Amazonite Arrow Sterling Silver Necklace $44
Iolite Faceted Crest Necklace $42
K2 Stone Faceted Elongated Drop Necklace $40
Sunstone in Peach Moonstone Faceted Fan Necklace, $50
Oregon Blue Opal Faceted Crest Necklace $40
Join us for Second Saturday Art Walk at West Coast Artisans! We will be out of town this coming weekend minig Polka Dot Agate but all of our jewelry will be there. Our friend and gallery mate, Janet, will be there to assist you!
West Coast Artisans
160 10th Street
Astoria, OR 97103
Wed - Sat
12 - 4pm
I hope everyone enjoyed this full moon in Pisces!
Love and light to everyone!
Happy Full Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius, August 3, 2020 August 3, 2020 22:40 6 Comments

“August’s full Moon was traditionally called the Sturgeon Moon because the giant sturgeon of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain were most readily caught during this part of summer."

Lodolite, also called Inclusion Quartz, is Clear Quartz that has traces of Chlorite, Hematite, Feldspar and other minerals that create bursts of color within the crystal. They appear to create a garden landscape magnified through the Clear Quartz. Lodolite is a Crown Chakra stone and can be used to heighten intuition and assist one in connecting to their spirit guides and angels. It’s known to be a shamans stone and has been used to increase spiritual perceptions and connect with beings in the spirit rhealm. Lodolite is a wonderful stone to use while meditating, especially when trying to recall past lives. Its calming, soothing energy helps relax one into a meditative state. It is extra potent to help you manifest your desires through meditation. Lodolite helps to release past life and early life trauma by healing the emotions that cause stress and fear in the present moment. Lodolite forces one to acknowledge and address all emotions, good and bad, and helps to release anything that no longer resonates. Lodolite protects the wearer from negative energy and provides a sense of positivity. It also helps one through times of transition. It helps one to “age gracefully” by accepting the body’s transitions as it goes through the aging process. Lodolite helps one create new ways of understanding their old ways of doing things. It helps one to lucid dream, see auras and protects while astral traveling.
Lodolite Drop Sterling Silver Necklace, $35
On the morning of the full moon, I found a dead seabird on the ground near where I live. It was black with webbed feet and white tipped tail feathers and it appeared to be a juvenial. It's long neck was gracefully swooped downward tucked into it's chest in a peacfeul pose. It looked like it had recently passed, and I immediately swooped it up to give it a better resting place. I set it underneath a tree right by the water on the edge of the bay and did a ceremony for the bird. I felt sure that it was the full moon spirit animal. I tried to identify the sea fowl, but I couldn't find anything quite like it in the duck or cormorant family. Although I never did identify it, my search results for "Oregon black and white sea bird" resulted in the Tufted Puffin. It hit me that I already knew this full moon's spirit animal and it was, in fact, a seabird.
I had encountered Puffins for the very first time a few weeks ago on our quest to see the comet, Neowise. Scott and I took the van out for a late night venture and watched the puffins fly and play at Haystack Rock in Canon Beach during the sunset. The Puffins come to Haystack Rock every year to mate and raise their young. Their habitat is very protected by the people of Cannon Beach and you will find statues and paintings of Puffins around the town. We did see Neowise that evening, through our binoculars, we could see it emerge as the sun set and the sky turned dark blue. We watched it until we tired and then spent our very first night in the van together. We woke up early and went to see the Puffins again on our way back to Astoria. They're so magical! Watching them fly is mesmorizing, they dive off Haystack Rock and then take flight, they fly around the rock in circles and dive into the ocean. They even circled around us several times. One got as close as 10 feet from us, but we didn't have the camera ready. The best time to see the Puffins is between May and Labor Day, and we just happened to be there at the right time. Here's a link to Cannon Beach's official website to learn more about the Puffins they so proudly love and protect.
"According to,,
"Puffin shows up as a spirit guide when:
You need power to thrive in darkness.My 50% Off sale has turned into a 40% off sale. I will be lowering the discount amount over the next few weeks to phase out my sale. Discount applies at checkout!
New Faceted Free Form Gemstone Sterling Silver Necklaces!
From Left:
Iolite with Sunstone Inclusions $50
Here are the resluts from my "Choose Your Own Turquoise Adventure" Instagram special. I bought the raw from Kingman Mine in Arizona and cut about 15 stones to start. These were claimed and I sold the rest to my gemstone vendor friend, Travis. I will be cutting more turquoise, see the photo below, including some Utah Green Turquoise. I will offering more "Choose Your Own Gemstone Adventures" so stay tuned!
Join us for Second Saturday Art Walk at West Coast Artisans! We will be out of town this weekend but our jewelry will be there. Our friend and gallery mate, Janet, will be there to assist you!
West Coast Artisans
160 10th Street
Astoria, OR 97103
Wed - Sat
12 - 4pm
I hope everyone enjoyed this full moon in Aquarius!
Love and light to everyone!
Happy Full Buck Moon in Capricorn, July 4th, 2020 July 9, 2020 14:50 2 Comments

Turquoise has a calming energy and it helps balance emotions. Turquoise is known to be a master healing stone. It increases wisdom and has long been used as a shaman's stone as it's said to connect to the psychic rhealms. A Heart, Throat and Third Eye Chakra stone, turquoise also works to align all chakras as well. Turquoise is a stone of protection and blocks out enviromental pollutants. It's known as the "Safe Travels" stone and protects one on long journeys. Turquoise are good luck and are good stones for both friendship and romantic love. Turquoise is also my go to for Mercury Retrograde times. This one has been a duzy and will be over on July 11th. Just a few more days to go!
According to What's My Spirit Animal, "Coyote energy is a sign of trouble or good fortune. Most of all, however Coyote arrives in our lives with a smile and a song, acting as a gentle reminder that laughter is truly good medicine. One can be both playful and wise – there is a balance in between. The Coyote is a wild sage whose message comes indirectly. This is not a candid spirit, but one that often resorts to chicanery and jokes to get a point across. Thus, when working with Coyote you must keep on your toes. Coyote will use every opportunity to present a piece of insight through even what appears to be a wholly transparent situation. Coyote challenges us to think about those things that we have pushed down or hidden from others. Very often such matters impact our body, mind, and spirit even unwittingly. Recognizing what you’ve buried and finding coping mechanisms is a step toward wholeness. Coyote also chases away gloomy clouds and negative perspectives by offering the gift of seeing life through the eyes of good humor. If Coyote had a mantra it could well be, “expect the unexpected.” Uncertainty is part of life so you might as well embrace it like the Coyote and release what you cannot control with joy.”
My 50% Off sale continues! Discount applies at checkout!
Join us for Second Saturday Art Walk at West Coast Artisans!
160 10th Street
Astoria, OR 97103
We're part owners and our jewelry and gemstones are for sale any time during business hours:
Wed - Sat
12 - 4pm
I hope everyone enjoyed this full moon in Capricorn!
Love and light to everyone!
Happy Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius June 5th, 2020 June 10, 2020 12:41

Fire Obsidian is found in only one area in the world, Glass Butte in central Oregon. It was formed when the area was covered in ocean and a volvanic eruption occured, forcing the Obsidian to form with layers of Magnetite as the magma cooled. The pressure of the Ocean created this gem grade Obsidian that contains layers of rainbow flash. The rainbow flash layer is made of tiny magnetite crystals that are as thin as a wavelenth of light. I was so fortunate to get to meet one of the mine owners, Emory Coons, last weekend and mine this material myself. My partner and I bumped into him while and he invited us to mine with him! Check out his business page and buy cabochons and arrowheads from him! We hope to take knapping and lapidary lessons from Emory in the near future.
Fire Obsidian is a trumendously grounding and high vibrational stone that works with all Chakras. It's properties are those of Obsidian and Magnetite. Magnetite is actually magnetic, although Fire Obsidian is not because it contains such small amounts of Magnetite. I never thought I would say this, but move over, Labradorite, Fire Obsidian is my new favorite stone!
Magnetite is all about polarity, it attracts and repels your intentions, making it a great stone for manifestation. It's very grounding and works with the Root Chakra, balancing the Root Chakra and keeps people from slipping into fear, anger and grief. Magnetite increases energy levels and is a very positive stone. Magnetite aligns the chakras while worn or carried and helps create emotional balance. Iy helps to balance the mental and emotional bodies so they work together in harmony. Magnetite helps one to develop a more intimate understanding of their own intuitive language and therefore helps one to trust their intuition. It's perfect for meditation as it helps ground one while also connecting to the higher chakras. Magnetite increases telapathy, psychic abilities and clairvoyance. Magnetite is wonderful to attract what you want in your life, especially love and loyalty. It forms in black to grey colored octohedron shapes, which glow as rainbows inside Fire Obsidian.
Obsidian is a volcanic gem grade glass that is trumendously grounding. A Root Chakra stone, it's very protective and blocks one from psychic attack and other types of negative energies. Its uplifting and positive energy helps to let go of all negativity, keeping bad thoughts at bay and replacing them with more kind, loving thoughts. Obsidian is a powerful stone to assist in transformations, providing a calming energy through the changes. It acts as a mirror, allowing one to see their true self and to live in acordance to ones truth. It helps to increase self control and evolve on all levels. Obsidian helps clarify thoughts and allows one to make better life choices. It helps clear out past emotional traumas and acts as an energetic cleanse. It helps to regain lost energy and helps stop energy leaks. It's calming energies make it perfect to carry or wear every day and it enhances the properties of other stones.
Little Glass Butte, Oregon
Fire Obsidian Specimen we found on our trip. This is one of the nicer specimens and we need to learn how to cut this stone before we tackle the "good stuff".
The Obsidian fields are home to cows who live and roam freely on the land, eating sage and grasses. It was so fun seeing families roaming together, their little ones playing with each other in the fields. One morning we awoke to the sounds of a family grazing right by our tent, it was wild!
According to, Cow asks us to, "Focus on the actions, behaviors, and choices that you know will feed your soul." "Cow symbolism is reminding you to tread lightly along your path. In this way, you will be able to leave others unharmed as you seek to reach your goal. Moreover, cow symbolism reminds you to make sure that your progress towards your goal protects the environment, its inhabitants, and the emotional balance of those around you. Thus this spirit animal reminds you to consider your next move carefully.
Alternatively, Cow’s meaning is reminding you that it is essential to give while you are receiving. By sharing your current wealth and abundance, you will make room for more of the same. When you connect yourself to the source energy of creation, you will experience abundance and fullness. In some cases, the Cow meaning symbolizes a deep connection with the Earth and the Earth’s creative and rejuvenating properties. Thus it can represent a period of magic and transformation."
According to,, "Because Cows provide us with food and milk, the symbolism of fertility and meeting material needs also applies. Deities with Cow associations like Nut act like a nursemaid to humankind, particularly mothers and children." "Cows are a lunar, divine feminine energy."
Cow has much to teach humanity right now. I felt their greatness as we camped and mined in their fields.
My 50% Off sale continues! Discount applies at checkout!
Scott and I are now part of West Coast Artisans Gallery! We now have a local home for our jewelry and gemstones. We have all our jewelry for sale as well as gemstone specimens and cut stones for jewelers.
Join us for our very first Second Saturday Art Walk! We are both still offering 50% off!
In Person:
12 - 8PM
Gemstone Livestream 2PM
Jewelry Livestream 4PM
I hope everyone enjoyed this full moon in Sagittarius!
Love and light to everyone!
Happy Full Flower Super Moon in Scorpio, May 7th, 2020 May 7, 2020 14:08

Tanzanite, also known as Lavender Zoisite, is a high vibrational stone, and primarily a Third Eye Chakra Stone. It connects with the Heart and Throat Chakras as well and helps to facilitate communication between them. This open channel between these three higher chakras allows space for intense emotional healing. Tanzanite relieves stress and has a very harmonious energy. Tanzanite has playfully been referred to as a good stone for workaholics, as it will help the over extended wearer to slow down and take things at a more manageable and balanced pace. It combats depression and transmutes negative energy. It's incredibly helpful for spiritual awakening to ones purpose. Red Jasper is a wonderful stone for these strange times.
Tanzanite Sterling Silver Necklace
According to, Leopard asks us to, "Listen to your heart and intuition so that you will know when and how to react." "
Leopard symbolism is reminding you that there is always a period of rebirth after a period of radical change. Thus this spirit animal is the healer of deep wounds. In other words, Leopard meaning will bring old issues to resolution through the reclaiming of your lost power during the time of the wounding. This big cat is reminding you that you have many resources available to you and that these resources can be physical, mental, psychic, emotional, and spiritual." "Leopard symbolism is letting you know that you need to accept your spots and use them as your strengths. Therefore, you must stop hiding because of your own perceived weaknesses. In other words, everything you dream of, you have the power and the strength to accomplish. You merely have to believe, have faith, and find the right path. Persistence is the keyword."
My 50% Off sale continues! Discount applies at checkout!
I am available for appointments, $65 per hour. Message me on Facebook to set up an appointment. Balanced chakras create a healther immune system and lead to harmony of mind, body and soul. My session includes a crystal chakra alignment, followed up with reiki and talk therapy. Everything is 100% confidential, I am here to heal other.
Each week, I am offering 2 free one hour long distant crystal reiki session to nurses or doctors working in the trenches. You are our soldiers and I appreciate you! Message me on Facebook, I will book appointments on a first come, first serve basis.
I hope everyone enjoyed this full moon in Scorpio! Here is a ritual for tonight's full moon by
RIP to all those who have been lost to the COVID-19 virus. May your souls move onward in love and light.
Happy Full Pink SuperMoon in Libra, April 7th, 2020 April 7, 2020 21:01 just published an updated, comprehensive guide on how to grow phlox. It is completely free and you can find it here:

I chose Red Jasper as this lunar month's gemstone because I have been finding it everywhere recently. On our drive back from Arizona to Oregon, I kept a small piece of Red Jasper I found rock hounding in my pocket as we drove through a quartentined America. It gave me comfort to hold it as we were driving in to the unkonwn. All our shows were being cancelled and the restaurant I work part time at in Astoria was closed. Holding Red Jasper kept me calm and strong, even while knowing I was now unemployed and many people are sick and dying by an invisible enemy.
Upon my return, I reconnected on the phone with one of my other intuitive friends. She texted me that she had a dream that an old woman handed her a piece of Red Jasper. I immediately called her to tell her I had gotten the same intuitive memo.
Red Jasper is a stone of courage and endurance. A root chakra gem, it’s very protective and grounding. Red Jasper stimulates chi, life force energy, and increases stamina. It helps to focus and to be determined to reach your goals and to complete tasks. Red Jasper is a stone of passion and activates the libido and increases sexuality. It helps to relieve stress and worry. Red Jasper helps balance emotions. It removes negative energy and cleanses the aura. It helps manifest new creative ideas. Red Jasper inspires a positive attitude and outlook.
Red Jasper is a wonderful stone for these strange times. You can buy it online as a specimen. I have a necklace available on my website for $35.
Red Jasper Sterling Silver Necklace
I chose Newt as this lunar month's spirit animal because severl of them recently crossed my path. I was hiking with my partner a few days ago in a very secluded part of Oregon, near some active logging roads. We saw several newts sunning themselves in large puddles in the road after a rain. He identified them as non poisonous so moved them by hand from the puddles to save them from future logging trucks. We took a few photos of our new friends and enjoyed the rest of our hike.
According to, "The newt spirit animal has the sense of one making proper use of their time. It requires one to wisely use their time to keep a balance between the chances that they get in life. Through this teaching, one can make the proper adjustments in life to take advantages of the many opportunities." "the newt spirit animal signifies the possibility of having aid from another source like the spiritual realm. However, the help can also be in the form of encouragement from our friends, family members, and even co-workers.
From time to time, the newt means that one needs to rejuvenate or go through detoxification. By doing so, one can make sure that they have the opportunity to get rid of all the negative things in their lives." Newts represent transformation, change and rebirth. They can live in both water and on land, they're extremely adaptable to changes in their environment. Newts represent resourcefulness, adaptability and balance. "The newt has the fantastic ability to re-grow its limbs if they fall off." "This ability symbolizes regeneration and revitalization. Therefore, the newt people can always rest easy when they lose something dear because they know that they will be another one. A new opportunity is maybe even better than the last one. Therefore, they should go about their day to day life knowing that the divine world is looking out for them."
This is the perfect spirit animal for us all during this strange pandemic. Look to the newt for some guidance. Think about using existing resources in new ways. Use this time wisely and remember to say thank you to mother Earth. This strange time is her reprieve, her period of detox. Everything happens for a reason. Many goods will also come of this.
I am available for appointments, $65 per hour. Message me on Facebook to set up an appointment. Balanced chakras create a healther immune system and lead to harmony of mind, body and soul. My session includes a crystal chakra alignment, followed up with reiki and talk therapy. Everything is 100% confidential, I am here to heal other.
Each week, I am offering 2 free one hour long distant crystal reiki session to nurses or doctors working in the trenches. You are our soldiers and I appreciate you! Message me on Facebook, I will book appointments on a first come, first serve basis.
I hope everyone enjoyed this full moon in Libra! Here is a ritual for tonight's full moon by
RIP to all those who have been lost to the COVID-19 virus. May your souls move onward in love and light.
Happy Full Worm SuperMoon in Virgo, March 9th, 2020 March 12, 2020 11:53

I chose Fire Agate for this full moon's stone because I went rock hounding for them on the full moon with my partner. We found a few really nice ones we plan to cut into cabochons to make jewelry. We also found a half a bucket full of specimens to sell. We climbed and circled a small mountain top, gathering Fire Agates along the way. Fire Agate is a super grounding and motivating stone. It stimulates chi, giving the wearer a boost of energy. It works with the lower Chakras, Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus. Fire Agate is very protective, it creates a safety shield around the wearer that deflects negativity. FIre Agate is very calming and soothing. It inspires passion and increases labido. It helps to increase intuition and spirituality. Fire Agate is a stone of integrity. It helps to overcome bad habits, patterns and addictions. Fire Agate inspires courage and reduces fear. It overcomes negativity and heals anger. Fire Agate is helpful for healing traumas.
I chose hedghog as this lunar month's spirit animal because I spent some time with two baby female hedgehogs during the Tucson Gem Show. Their mom, Rica, booked a room in our Air B & B right after she adopted them. They are the cutest and sweetest creatures! One is light brown and the other dark black so she named them Salt n Pepper. Rica also works the Tucson Gem Show and we became fast friends. We get to visit Rica and the hedghogs in a few days on our way out of Arizona. I'm really excited! According to,, "The hedgehog tells you to stand up and take action. It doesn’t matter whether people believe you're capable or not. Do not curl up in self-pity when people fail to appreciate you. You don’t owe anyone any experience. Just like the hedgehog, use your personal space to unleash your full potential. You have many gifts and talents that the world can benefit from. The hedgehog spirit guides you to share with those who need you. The hedgehog is in a class of its own. Similarly, be true to your nature. Don’t be hurt when those around you don’t seem to understand you. People don’t have to see your intentions for you to succeed. Whether they appreciate you or not, go ahead and do the right thing anyway. The hedgehog spirit will guide you to success. By its connection to the earth, the hedgehog indicates fertility. You can be inspired by this to unleash the creativity of your very fertile mind. Many cultures in Asia associated the hedgehog with productivity. For example, the ancient inhabitants of Iran viewed this animal as a symbol of abundance in the agricultural fields. In such cultures, this animal was considered a power animal. They connected it to the vitality and energy exuded by the sun. Indeed, the picture becomes clearer when you think of the hedgehog spikes looking very similar to the rays of the sun. The hedgehog is largely a nocturnal animal. This connects it to the powers of intuition and psychic ability. Spiritually, we connect this to the ability to have visions and prophetic dreams."
I hope everyone enjoyed this full moon in Virgo! I was called to get outside and dig in the dirt for Fire Agates and I hope you all did something outside in nature as well. Love and light to everyone!
Full Snow Moon in Leo, February 8, 2020 March 11, 2020 12:53

Full Wolf Moon in Cancer January 10, 2020 March 11, 2020 12:02

"Crab symbolism is reminding you that not all paths lead directly to your personal goals. In other words, sometimes a sideways approach is necessary. Therefore, you must shift your focus to what is all around you because your inner senses are trying to guide you through an easier way. Alternatively, crab meaning can be reminding you that community is vital for growth. However, equally important is a time of introspective seclusion. Thus you need to know when to withdraw and discern what is right for you.
Moreover, crab symbolism can also be letting you know that it is crucial to nourish your curiosity on all levels. In fact, the exploration of the world around you leads to discovering new horizons and vibrant life."
Full Cold Moon in Gemini, December 11th, 2019 December 12, 2019 18:09

Alternatively, Pelican symbolism teaches us that we should take it easy occasionally. Like the Manatee, the need to slow down a bit is especially real in the most hectic times of our lives. Thus you should make sure that you make an effort to float through life and float through your emotions. Savoring each moment is essential. Therefore, you must take the time to enjoy what life has to offer in each moment.
Conversely, sometimes it takes a team to accomplish the goals that you have set for yourself. In other words, do not be afraid to ask for help. Moreover, recruit what you need to get the job done."
Amber works with both the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras and is one potently powerful fossil. Amber is prehistoric tree sap and it holds a connection to the sun and ancient forrests, many times holding actual prehistoric insects and plant matter inside. Amber works to both cleanse and reactivate the chakras. It eliminates fear, balances emotions and helps to go with the flow. It's a wonderful tool for clearing and protecting any environment in which it resides from negativity and toxic energy. Amber is a natural purifier so it actually transforms negativity into clear, positive energy. It emits a shiny, soothing energy much like the sun and is good for combatting depression or for aiding the process of grieving. It is said to atract love and provide good luck. Amber strengthens intuition, aids in manifestation and is a great tool for past life recall. It is useful for clearing family and ancestral patterns. It helps one to take action and make their own choices. Amber helps clear the mind and reduces stress. It increases vitality and aids tissue regeneration.

Full Beaver Moon in Sagittarius, November 26th 2019 December 12, 2019 17:20

Full Hunter's Moon in Aries, October 13th 2019 November 14, 2019 14:01

"Donkey as a Spirit Animal may saunter into your life when you have taken on too much responsibility. This animal ally naturally wants to help, but when you put too much on their backs they will fail physically. In human terms this also translates to emotional and spiritual damage. Learning to say no is an art form that honors your sacred self.
On the flip side, Donkey may be challenging you to become more responsible to yourself, others and/or a specific situation. If you’ve been shirking, Donkey will be happy to give you a push. Anyone who has been on the receiving end of a Donkey kick knows full well that this Spirit Animal is strong and well-aimed.
Donkey Spirit may also bray at your side with words of warning. Donkey sees and senses danger. You need to stop, reassess your surroundings and reconsider before taking any further action. No need to run head-long into trouble. Tune in those instincts and trust yourself more.
Despite what many people think, Donkey is smart. He loves to learn and may become a guide to students, particularly younger ones whose playful spirit attracts him. Here Donkey has come offering confidence, determination and focus.
Because of Donkey’s association with Dionysus, this Spirit Animal may be hinting at the need to get more in touch with your sexual, sensual self. Are you too withdrawn? Or, perhaps too overbearing? Donkey helps you sort out that push-pull in your own self-awareness.
There are a few other messages Donkey Spirit may have for you. First, are you giving too much stock to other people’s opinions about yourself, rather than how YOU feel? Are you letting people make your choices for you instead of trusting that you are doing the right thing? Is there a situation in which your helpful nature is being misused? These are the questions this creature and helpmate challenges us with so that we can make positive changes."
Green Fluorite harmonizes and recharges the chakras, as well as cleanses and stabilizes the aura. It helps release emotional trauma and absorbs and dissolves negative energy and stress. Green Fluorite is a great stone for learning as it increases our powers of concentration. A happy stone, Green Fluorite brings positive energy to the wearer.
Full Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius August 15th, 2019 August 19, 2019 10:51

I chose Squid as this month's lunar spirit animal because I encoutered one in the Pacific Ocean a day before the full moon. My friend scooped it up out of the ocean and it squirted water on me. It started out white but turned this red color after a minute of being held. I took this photo right before we set him free. According to ,"Squid guides movement and productivity at night and aids in finding what is hidden. As with Octopus, the art of camouflage is important. She teaches adaptability to situations and concealment until the moment is right. Squid aids and balances the emotional realm. Communication may include light and color at this time. Is it time to fulfill or embark on artistic endeavors? She will show how to be aware with the skill of retreat. Curious and observant, Squid medicine helps in transitioning between the un/subconscious worlds leading you to explore more facets of your spiritual being."
Rose Quartz is THE stone for love of all kinds. It attracts romantic love, enhances self love and platonic love. It is the stone of unconditional love. It can also help create a closer bond with your partner, family and friends. A Heart Chakra stone, it works to open the heart to trust, hope, forgiveness and harmony. Physically, it helps to lower blood pressure. Rose Quartz combats jealousy, anger and resentment for others. It also promotes forgiveness and empathy. Rose Quartz has a calm and soothing energy and is the best stone to help heal a broken heart. It is also useful for all types of emotional healing. Rose Quartz can also help to relieve headaches when placed upon the Third Eye. Rose Quartz assists us in accepting that change is necessary and to help us love ourselves while going through transitions.

Normally $70, now only $42

Happy Full Buck Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn July 16th, 2019 July 18, 2019 21:54

Lepidolite has an extremely calm and soothing energy. It helps ease feelings of anxiety and depression. It's name traces back to the Greek word 'lepidos', which means "scale". It's aptly named as Lepidolite helps to balance the emotions. It's strongly associated with the Crown Chakras but also resonates with the Heart, Throat and Third Eye Chakras. Lepidolite helps to promote dream recall and increases intuition. Lepidolite is an exceptional stone for transitions. It's especially helpful to see and release old patterns that are holding one back, allowing for growth and rebirth.
Here's what some of my favorite astroloers have to report on this full moon:
I posted some new pieces!
Beatrice Tin Type Photo with Mica and Indicolite Necklace
Annabelle Tin Type Photo with Mica and Pecos Valley Diamond Necklace
Petunia Tin Type Photo with Mica and Green Tourmaline Necklace
Ruby in Matrix Peekaboo Necklace
The Moon, The Sun and the Stars Necklace
Love and Light to you all!
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