According to
Farmers Almenac, "July is normally the month when the new antlers of buck deer push out of their foreheads in coatings of velvety fur. It was also often called the Full Thunder Moon, for the reason that thunderstorms are most frequent during this time. Another name for this month’s Moon was the Full Hay Moon."
This Full Moon lies in earthy Capricorn while the Sun is in the watery sign of Cancer. Dualities at play indeed! Here's what some of my favorite astrologers have to report:
This full moon called me out into nature, and I made sure to walk and hike a bit both days. I felt compelled to take in the full moon's energy. I recommend getting outside and soaking it up!
July 13th
If you live in Kansas City, come by my studio this Thurdsday night for my summer clearance sale. 25% off all items and some things up to 50% off.
Gigi Moon Studio
115 W. 18th St. Ste. 205
KCMO, 64108
Chair Massage by Jackie Haines
Happy Full Moon!
Happy New Moon in Cancer!
Here's what some of my favorite astrologers have to say:
For this New Moon, I chose Moonstone as we entered Cancer on June 21st. I love moonstone for this watery sign and made some Rainbow Moonstone and Grey Moonstone offerings. Rainbow Moonstone stabilizes the emotions and provides a calming, soothing energy as well as heightens intuition and psychic abilities. Grey Moonstone is known as the, "New Moon Stone", as it mimics the powers of the new moon, which represent new beginnings and potential.
I added a new Fossil item as well as some fun flirty Cloisonne Fish earrings.
Arkansas Clear Quartz Collection
I hand picked my favorite stones from my
crystal dig at the Ron Coleman Mine in Jesseville, Arkansas. This collection was so personalized as I felt such a strong connection to the stones. I am selling this line tonight in person at a New Moon Open House with
Totem Accupuncture and
Glowing Massage at 8016 State Line Road, Suite 203, Leawood, KS 66208. Whatever is left unsold, I will list as a One of a Kind in my Etsy shop.
Happy Summer Solstice!
The Summer Solstice takes place today, June 20th, if you are in the Western time zones and tomorrow, June 21st for most parts of the world. According to the Farmer's Almenac, "The timing of the solstice is not based on a specific calendar date and time. It depends on when the Sun reaches its northernmost point from the equator. The word solstice is from the Latin solstitium, from sol (sun) and stitium (to stop), reflecting the fact that the Sun appears to stop at this time." I made these two Sunstone creations in honor of the Summer Solstice.
Sunstone is linked to the sun and embodies its warmth and light, bestowing joy and good luck to the wearer. Sunstone is associated with the Sacral Chakra and is known as the Stone of Leadership. It increases confidence and personal power and helps bring mental clarity. It helps stabilize the emotions and inspires passion and romance. It's also known as a Stone of Freedom and encourages independence, originality and individuality.
Model: Ashley Vining
Happy Full Moon in Sagittarius!
The Native Americans called the June full moon the Strawberry Moon because it signaled the time to gather fruit. This is so fitting because I have recently found the most amazing old mulberry tree in my neighborhood. I have been stopping by during my runs and harvesting its fruit. Today, I went there to graze but also to do a small photo shoot with the Botswana Agate one of a kind pieces I made for Gemini. There is a wild strawberry patch right next to my favorite mullberry tree. I ate a few strawberries during the photo shoot as well.
Here's what my favorite astrologers have to say about this Full Strawberry Moon.
That's right! Full Moon Flash Sale!
Save 25% off on orders over $50
Now through Monday at Midnight
Use Code:
applicable on my Etsy and Website
No in Studio Pickup
Check out these 5 new One of a Kinds made with Botswana Agate for Gemini. All One of a Kinds are listed in my
Go eat some strawberries and enjoy the rest of this beautiful full moon!
I've been wanting to dig crystals in Arkansas for years now. I've gone on a few gemstone digs, for Staurolites and Garnets in Taos, NM and Topaz in Mason County, TX. Both digs were a low find rate, the topaz especially. I found a handfull of staurolites and some tiny garnets and zero topaz.
I had heard of Coleman Mine because it has such a high find rate. You pay $20 to dig but if you don't find anything, you get $20 credit in the gift shop. You would have to actually try to not find crystals at Coleman Mine. The place is exploding with them. Some of the world's largest crystal clusteres are found here. The energy was trumendous. The land felt alive with the crystals' vibrations.
is located at
211 Crytal Ridge Lane
Jesseville, AR 71949
This is the commercial mine, and it's closed to visitors for digging. You can, however, sign up for a tour of the mine. Digging goes from 8am - 4:30pm.
We got to the mine just after 2pm, which, we discovered gets you a discounted entrance fee. The regular fee is $20 per person and you get to keep everything you find. This includes a heavy duty bag to put your finds in. We purched digging tools in the gift shop for $2 a piece but you are welcome to bring your own.
For future digs, I plan to bring a bucket and heavy duty gardening gloves. I bought a new pair of hiking boots for this dig and I was really glad that I had them. Sturdy footwear is a must.
To the left of the commercial mine, is the Tailings field. They dump piles of excavation material from the mine into these hills and that's where you get to dig your own crystals.
We were informed to look through darker, redder dirt, and wet dirt especially. It had rained the entire night before so we were lucky to have a lot of wet dirt to choose from.
My dear friend, Jenna, came on the trip from Kansas City with me. It was a 7.5 hour drive to the mine.
Here's a close up of one of the tailings piles.
Jenna had a strong intuition about a spot to dig in the way back. En route, I found my very first crystal just laying on top of one of the tailing piles. Just sparkling in the sun for me to find.
Jenna's spot was great, we were off down into the lower hills, which from the looks of it, don't get picked through much. We found a lot of tiny clear points here along with a lot of the white quartz shapes.
They say, if you can get it out of Coleman Mine, it's yours to keep. Someone started digging away at this massive crystal cluster but gave up on it.
My first big point! We moved away from the mountain side and in towards the center of the tailing area when I found this beauty!
This is my favorite of all the clear crystals I found. I literally gasped when I found it! I love it and will keep it forever as a keepsake from this trip.
My bag of crystals was two thirds the way full. It was really heavy. After the mine closes at 4:30, you're welcome to clean your crystals off at the wash station. The gift shop is open until 5 so I did a little shopping instead of cleaning my crystals. When I got home, I put all my crystals in a big cooking pot and soaked them for a while.
You can camp at the mine, the spots are $13 a night and there's another crystal cleaning station there as well as electricity hook ups. We opted for something near water, and found the
Gulpha Gorge Campsite which is $30 a night.. It's located in the Hot Springs National Park right next to the creek surrounded by hiking trails. It's where I took the product shots for the May 25th New Moon series.
The next day, we drove 15 minutes in to Hot Springs, AR and visited the historical
Bathhouse Row There are several gorgouse bathhouses to choose from.
We got to Bathhouse Row at noon, but by then, all the private tubs were booked. Make your reservations early because the public pools were also full. We lucked out and got a spot in the public pool at Quapaw. Make sure you have a bathing suite and flip flops, but you can buy them there. The pools range from 95, 98,102 & 104 degrees ferenheight.
The next day, we drove 25 minutes from our campsite to
Lake Catherine State Park to see a waterfall. This is Falls Creek Falls, and we hiked two miles into the park to see it. The water was super cold, but I imagine it's the perfect temperature during the heat of the summer time. We did rest of the photo shoot here. I have never shot at had a more beautiful location.
The Waterfall was well worth the hike. The hike back was mostly uphill but still worth it. We drove home to Kansas City after the hike. This trip was truly inspiratoinal, relaxing and rewarding. There's nothing like plucking a gemstone directly from the Earth. It's such a gift. We left KC Friday night and drove back Monday early evening but still had time for camping, crytals, nature, hot springs, photoshoots, waterfalls, crawdads and most of all, friendship.
After soaking my crystals, I lay them to dry on an industrial size baking sheet. I found all of this in under 2 and a half hours.
The clear quartz is the most valuable but I found the white quartz to be beautiful in its own way. It has a soothing and calming energy and many of them have a few quartz like sides.
I made a crystal grid from my finest of my finds. Because I have OCD and I love crystals.
Here are all of the clear quartz points, minus the two bigs ones I found.
I've hand selected some of my favorites to turn into jewelry. Stay tuned to my Etsy, where I post my one of a kinds!
Thank you for letting me share my crystal journey with you!
Happy New Moon!
Normally a time for manifesting, this new moon is more about self healing. Here's a New Moon Healing Ritual by
This past weekend, I had a chance to slow down and do some self healing. My friend, Jenna, and I went to Arkansas to dig crystals, find a waterfall, camp, hike, enjoy hot springs and do the New Moon Photoshoot! Although Jenna is not a Gemini, she is a Gemini Rising. I am a Gemini Sun Sign, so in a way we were two Gemini's on an Arkansas adventure. Slowing down like this and spending time in nature was exactly what I needed and it was fruitful as well! I have an entire pot full of crystals, a refreshed soul, and a mind full of dreams of future crystal digs and adventures in nature.

During the photoshoot, a huge dragonfly landed right onto the sheer floral wrap I was wearing. The dragonfly stayed with us for over 20 minutes, eventually becoming a beautiful living prop for our photoshoot, then quickly turning into her own photoshoot. She allowed us to pass her back and forth, almost as if wanting to be part of our creation. It was truly magical. I looked up Dragonfly Spirit Animal meaning immediately after the 2 mile hike back to our car and civilzation. Dragonfly Medicine was exactly what Jenna and I needed. I have posted more photos than usual as it's not often that I get to do a photoshoot by a waterfall, blessed by a beautiful dragonfly and a dear friend.
In preparation for the trip, I made some one of a kinds for the New Moon. Labradorite is my favorite stone, and since my birthday is this Saturday, I wanted to make you all a little Labradorite Party.
I orderd some Blue Lace Agate, Moss Aquamarine & Rainbow Moonstone Cabachons, all good stones for Gemini. However, shipping from India can take forever and this time it took almost a month. So, expect some more Gemini One of a Kind pieces to pop up on my Instagram and Etsy shop as soon as they get here. Any day now.......
Blue Labradorite Arkansas Adventure Series
I made 5 one of a kinds for this Double Gemini New Moon.
They're listed on my Etsy shop only
Photo Credit: Jenna Nicole Hammond
Gemstones and Stainless Steel Collection
Thank you to Jenna Nicole Hammond for lending her beauty and photography skills to this Double Gemini New Moon photoshoot. Thank you for coming on this Arkansas Adventure with me and for sharing in all the sernedipitous moments.
Photo Credit: Jenna Nicole Hammond
Photo Credit: Jenna Nicole Hammond
Happy Full Moon! May is my birth month, and spring is my favorite season! It's time to smell the ALL OF THE FLOWERS!
According to the Farmer's Almenac, "May’s Full Moon was called the Full Flower Moon as well as Mother’s Moon, Milk Moon, and Corn Planting Moon. The May Moon marked a time of increasing fertility, with temperatures warm enough for safely bearing young, a near end to late frosts, and plants in bloom. " To learn more about this moon, click below to read more from the Farmer's Almenac and from a few of my favorite astrologers:

This Full Moon's artwork has a story. Cardinals have for a very long time been my family's "spirit animal", for the briefest explanation of it's importance. It was my Grandmother's favorite bird, my mother's favorite bird, and the tradition was passed down to all of her daughters. Some Native American tribes believe the cardinal is the spirit of our ancestors visiting us briefly from beyond. I found this cardinal this winter, dead on my front porch, as if laid there purposefully. At first glance, I panicked, it was so beautiful and it was so tragic that this magestic creature was dead. I wondered if our cat, Inga, had left him for a present, however, it would be her first ever bird or animal gift of appreciation. She has quite the reputation for being a huntress and we've heard stories of her taking down birds mid flight and eating them. It was so odd that he was placed right on the front porch without any appearance of bite marks or other bodily trauma. After some contemplation, I took it as a sign of good luck, a sign of good transitions to come. After deciding it was not a bad omen, I took this photo of the cardinal and then buried it under the Spruce tree in our front yard. I think of the cardinal breathing new life into the Spruce tree every time I look at it this season. As this is the Full Flower Moon, I added a Lily of the Valley, the May Birth Flower, to the cardinal's mouth, symbolizing spring and rebirth.

"May Birthstone & Birth Flower: Emerald and Lily of the Valley"
Free 4x4 inch Print
on 'white gold' cardstock
with any jewelry purchase the rest of May
Emerald, Green Fluorite & Vesuvianite
Join us this Saturday, just in time for last minute Mother's Day gifts! We're serving mimosas and every Gigi Moon purchase comes with a free Selenite gemstone.
Happy New Moon in Taurus!
This one has me in a blue green state of mind. Here's what some of my favorite intuitives have to report on this New Moon:
For this lunar collection, I chose shades of blues and greens, using stones like Tanzanite, Emerald, Green Tourmaline, Apatite, Iolite and Green Fluorite. These are all stones I sourced this year from the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show. I hand picked each one from trays full of other gorgous options from two different vendors. At the time I chose these, I wasn't 100% sure what I was going to make with them and I didn't realize I would use them in one big blue green themed lunar collection. I thought the colors were so amazing that I posed this shot before making anything to documnent the stones:
Enjoy the rest of your New Moon, in whatever color theme it speaks to you.
Here's a special thank you to Camry Ivory for lending her beauty to this lunar month's new listings. Camry is a singer and pianist and performs in several projects here in Kansas City. The most well known project is
Found a Job, a Talking Heads cover band.
Happy Full Pink Moon!
In Kansas City, CTZ, it took place at 12:08am so that's why this full moon is right on the cusp of both yesterday and today. The Native Americans named this moon the, "Pink Moon" after the "moss pink' phlox flowers that bloomed in early April, covering the landscape with various shades of pink waves.
Here's what some of my favorite astrologers have to say about this full moon:
Instead of Full Moon Farewells, this Lunar month, I decided to do something spontaneous that I think you are going to love! All orders over $50 get a FREE Chakra Gemstone Necklace (a $25 value). Best of all, you get a choice of gemstone! This promotion ends in 1 week, at midnight on Tuesday, April 18th.
Root - Garnet
Sacral - Carnelian
Solar Plexus - Rutilated Quartz
Heart - Phrenite
Throat - Turquoise
Thire Eye - Lapis Lazuli
Crown - Amethyst
Not sure which stone to choose? Consult my
Chakra Blog to learn more about each Chakra.
Join me on April 29th for a Trunk Show at
This New Moon marks the beginning of the Zodiac calendar year and therefore it represents the beginning of all beginnings! This is the best time to set your intentions for the next lunar month and even for the Zodiac year. Check out what my favorite astrologers have to say:
New Moon Listings
Talisman of Empowerment
Talisman of Prosperity
Talisman of Transition
Kunzite Cascade Earrings
Black Ethiopian Rainbow Opan Necklace
Demantoid Garnet Studs
Shungite Shield Necklace
Crop Circle Black Diamond Earrings
Rainbow Moonstone and White Topaz Studs
Poki Cut Raw Diamond Necklace
Thank you so much to Jane Almirall for lending your beauty to this New Moon's listings! Jane is an incredibly talented artist and one of the three owners of Oracle Fine Curiosities in the Crossroads of the KCMO art's district. My studio is across the street from Oracle so I have gotten to know Jane from being a customer. True story, I once walked in on Jane skinning a cat in the back room of Oracle... per it's family's wishes to have him preserved and taxidermied into the afterlife, of course! Although this was her one and only cat skinning experience to my knowledge, I get the sense that Jane has countless other intriguing stories like this tucked under her little Gemini wing. Check out her artwork and support!
Thank you to
Oracle Fine Curiosities for the opportunity to shoot this New Moon's Listings in your gorgous store! It was truly a photographer's dream scape! Natural curiosities like taxidermy, animal bones, crystals, plants, shells and more all lit up perfectly with natural light from the huge windows surrounding the store. They also specialize in teaching classes and offer services like numerology reports and tarot card readings. This truly is a unique store in the heart of the KC Crossroads Art's district. You can find my jewelry for sale here, it's one of only two locations you can buy my work locally. Make sure to check them out online as well as in store.
130 W. 18th St.
KCMO 64108
Happy Full Moon!
Enjoy 25% off using code:
"Full Moon Sale"
Now through WMarch 15th at midnight
New Moon Listings February 26th
For this new moon, I as really inspired by all the beautiful new gems I sourced at the
Tucson Gem and Mineral Show. I haven't made any epic earrings in a while, and I felt like playing with fringe and color. I was drawn to heart chakra stones, stones of protection as well as some crown chakra stones for this lunar month. We need them! I hope you enjoy these new moon listings!
This New Moon was intensified by the Solar Eclipse yesterday. Here are what some of my favorite astrologers have to say about it:
Thank you to Amanda Kronk for lending your beauty to these new moon listings. Thank you to
Union Station for being the epically gorgeous backdrop to these listings.
Thank you for your continued support of my jewelry and art. Happy New Moon to you!
The Februaruy 10th Full Snow Moon in Leo is also a penumbral (or partial) Lunar Eclipse. Eclipses help to bring about needed transformations, often times ones we aren't even aware we need. If you are not on the right path, they will shake things up and catapult you where you need to be.

Furthermore, there are 5 heavenly bodies, Moon, Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn & Sun, creating a pentagram with today's full moon lunar eclipse.
The Pentagram's 5 star points represent the soul and the 4 elements; Earth, Air, Fire and Water. The number 5 has always been regarded as a magical number. The number 5, which is associated with Mars, represents harmony through conflict. This gives me great hope that although these times are truly trying due to our current President's message of hate, we can take solace in the fact that there is a silver lining. With all the veils lifted, we see the truth of the situation and many of us are waking up! We are actually beginning to vibrate at a higher, more spiritual level. The vibration of planet Earth has more than doubled since 2014 and she calls for us to increase our vibration, too.
For the First Time In History, Humans are Waking Up
The 5th Dimension governs creativity and we are really being called to use our creative gifts to help usher in the Age of Aquarius. Make no mistake, we are the Light Workers brought here to usher it in. Remember that the Universal language IS love, and that love WILL Trump hate. So many of us are full of fear and anxiety but trust that it had to get this bad to get better. We've hit rock bottom and there's no place else to go but up.

If you are on the right path, you will experience increased moments of synchronicity and will see 11:11's, 2:22's, 3:33's and so on when you look at the clock. You might think of a song and it suddenly comes on the radio or think of a friend and then they immediately text or call you. These are not coincidences, they are signs that you are heading in the right direction. When you are on the right path, you can listen to the Universe's guidance and trust the direction you are heading. So if you are experiencing abrupt changes that seem to be turning your world upside down, you can trust that these changes are necessary to get you back on your divine path.

We were all born with gifts and a life purpose and it is our duty to utilize these gifts. We are not all meant to work in corporate cubicles looking at screens all day. If you have a creative gift and aren't using it, this is a recipe for depression. Don't take antidepressants, take some time to sit with yourself and really discover your gifts and your path. Get out in Nature, ask your Higher Self (your soul) and your spirit guides for help in this quest. We are meant to be happy, we are brought here to fulfill our destiny and dreams. Imagine a world where everyone was living in their highest truth and fulfilling their destiny! There would be no war, no racism, no sexism, no hate. We would live in perfect harmony. That's the exact energy this Eclipse is bringing, love and light and harmony. We are now in the beginning of the Age of Aquarius which is bringing in a golden age where we do all live in our truths.

So take time and reflect upon your current life path. If you are not happy, take that leap of faith and persue your dreams. The higher the leap and the smaller the safety net, the bigger the Universe rewards us. I used to work as an Account Administrator at a commercial insurance agency for over 5 years right after I graduated college. I sort of fell into the job through a temp agency. I hated it! I remember the day I walked into my boss' office mid-December of 2008 and gave my 2 weeks notice to start perusing my jewelry career. The look on my boss' face was priceless when I told him, "no amount of money is enough to make me stay here, I'm meant to make jewelry." I have been a jeweler ever since. I have had to work harder at jewelry design than anything else in my life but it's what I love to do. If we have to work 40 hours a week, we may as well do what we love and are guided to do! We deserve to, it is why We are here.

I recommend Labradorite to help with this Eclipse energy. Labradorite eases anxiety and helps assist us through transitions, especially ones that are good for us. So arm yourself with Labradorite, TRUST the Universe and go take that leap of faith towards your dreams! Hold love and light in your hearts and make sure to lead by example as we evolve into this Golden Age of Aquarius.
Remember we have power in numbers to spread the love and light!
For this New Moon's listings, I chose to work with gemstones that inspire love, both romantic, brotherly, self love and Universal love. We could all use a good dose of love right now!
This new moon is in Aquarius, and if you would like to read more about it's energies, here are some of my favorite online resources:
Mystic Mama
Embodied Astrology

So, I've created a limited edition Love Line using carerfully selected gemstones featuring rose quartz, sapphire, emerald, turquoise, pink chalcedony, aventurine and ethically sourced raw diamonds. These are perfect options for self care and Valentine's gifts.
I want to say thank you to Nanci Lee for lending her beauty to this New Moon's Photoshoot. Check out her awesome artwork at
Society 6.
The glowing heart shaped rose quartz she is holding in the photo at the top is one that I found on a hike on Mount Atalaya in Santa Fe, New Mexico. It's one of my favorite stones in my collection and it lives on the windowsill right by my workstation. I like to think it puts it's rose quartz love energy into everything I make.
Happy New Moon!
Wolf Full Moon In Cancer
Let your inner Goddess howl!

Today's full Wolf moon is in the watery sign of Cancer, and it's mothering energy is asking us to focus on self care and self love. The Native Americans named it the Wolf Moon because the wolves would howl and cry in hunger under its cold, wintery glow. At this moment in the world, so many of us are crying out in hunger for social justice, equality and moral courage! There's a strong notion of female empowerment that is coming through with this one. I feel a revolution is brewing to encourage women to take their power back in this imbalanced patriarchal society. Our Mother Earth is suffering and these old regime corrupt ways of raping her for oil, polluting her water, air and lands cannot continue. The veils have been lifted and we are called to pull back all the layers and fully expose the truths. This is the only way to truly move forward. The world needs a feminine touch now more than ever! Women in particular should take time to nurture themselves today and to reach out to other women who need nurturing. We are all in this together and we need to uplift one another.

This full moon asks us all to sit within ourselves and get back to our TRUE SELF, the person we were before our family and society molded us into this compromised version of whatever it is we have become. Male or female, we are all called to take our power back. With so much ugliness happening in the world right now, it's easy to feel hopeless and overwhelmed. Focus not on external factors we cannot control, but instead focus on the work we need to do internally. Take time to identify where certain behaviors, patterns and dramas originated in order to face and conquer them. Not living in our truth is no longer an option. This moon demands self help, self awareness, self evolution. What a wonderful gift this first full moon of the year brings!

On a very personal note, the artwork for this full moon has an incredible story behind it. I have never publicly written or spoken about this before. I was in a very abusive marriage for 8 years of my early 20's. After I emancipated myself, which was one of the hardest things I have ever done, I somehow turned one suitcase into my own single girl empowerment apartment and started my life over. I sat with myself in that apartment and asked myself, "why did I allow that to happen to me?" The answer finally came: I didn't fully love myself and had very low self value. So then the real journey began, the quest for self love and empowerment. During that journey, I vowed that I would be there for other abused women in need. I am an empath, and especially since I have a history of abuse, I can smell it on other women. I ran into an old friend, a beautiful Cancer woman, about a month ago, and she announced her divorce to me. Without using any words, she told me that he had been abusive. I could see it in the way her shoulders drooped in shame and sadness, not squared and straight like she used to hold them. I could feel it in her weak heart chakra and her low self esteem permeated through. She had been cracked by a man who verbally broke apart her every bit of confidence and told her she was worthless to the point of almost believing it herself. She was cracked, but not broken. All of this flooded in to me within a few seconds of seeing her and embracing her in a hello. Yet I said nothing.

This friend remained on my mind for several weeks, popping into my head often. So I reached out a few days ago by messaging her on Instagram. I told her I didn't want to be too forward but that I had a feeling she had suffered abuse in her marriage and that I would gladly be here for her if she needed to talk. I explained that after I escaped my abuser, I vowed to be there for other women who were suffering from abuse. She wrote me back and confirmed that I was correct and she was thankful and grateful to discuss her situation with someone who has been through it. Yesterday, as I was getting ready for work and picking out my jewelry for the day (the most important part of the process for me), I surprisingly chose a freshwater pearl necklace that I made when I was in college. I admire pearls, but they usually get passed over for crystals and other gemstones. I let my intuition guide which stones I wear each day and my gut was pretty clear on the pearls. Later that afternoon, my friend message me that she had a dream the night before. I was in her dream wearing a freshwater pearl necklace and my presence seemed to provide a sense of peace. I got goosebumps and messaged her that I was, oddly enough, wearing a pearl necklace and that this was a sign that we needed to get together that evening. She agreed to come over that night.

I looked up the metaphysical meaning of pearls and they are everything that women need right now:
Pearls are associated with the ocean and moon, and therefore are extremely powerful healing gems for women. They're known to be excellent stones for the Zodiac signs of Cancer and Gemini. They help to connect women to their inner Goddess Energy and help enhance personal integrity. They're especially helpful with menstrual cycles and childbirth. Pearls align all chakras but are associated mostly with the Solar Plexus, center of power, and Crown Chakra, center of cosmic wisdom and connectivity. Pearls offer protection and good luck, enhance faithfulness, honesty and integrity. Pearls help to bring truth to the surface and promote loyalty to a cause.

I decided the message was too clear and made her a necklace featuring a gorgeous faceted white freshwater pearl wire wrapped onto thick stainless steel chain. The pearl is a token of her emancipation from her abuser as well as a healing tool towards self love and self empowerment. The stainless steel chain serves as a reminder of what she, and all women, are made of, pure strength of heart and soul. My friend came over and we swapped abuse stories over a bottle of wine. It was cathartic for both of us. Before she left, I gave her the necklace and explained why it was the perfect stone for female empowerment. She was thrilled and grateful, and we both had a sense of peacefulness in our hearts after sharing.

A woman's spirit is never broken, even if her heart and will are shattered, her inner Goddess will always find its way through to howl at the moon and say, "I am here to love! To love myself, and others, To lead by example, to rule not with a fist, but with pure heart and sound judgement! I am woman, I am strong, you will never break my spirit!"
So tonight, I strongly encourage you to gather your pack of female wolves together, to let your inner goddesses howl at the moon like you've never howled before. Howl for love, for social justice, for peace, for equality, for Mother Earth! Howl for your fellow womankind, howl for mankind, howl for a better world. Howl for each other. Howl for hope.

Cat's Eye New Year Prosperity and Hope Necklace
Cat's Eye amplifies good luck & fortune. It helps to ease us through life's tough lessons & transitions. Cat's Eye helps to detach from unhealthy habits & strengthens self control. It brings strength of mind & promotes moral courage. I chose this stone for everyone for 2017, as we're going to need all of it's healing powers.

Meteorite Necklace
There are only 3 left!

Ancient Chines Coin and Diamond Necklace
There are only 2 left!

Thank you for letting me tell my story!

My own intuition
Farmer's Almenac
Universal Life Tools
Mystic Mama
Charms of Light
New Moon December 29th
The New Moon December 2016 in Capricorn holds trumendous energy for making your dreams come true. It comes during a Mercury Retrograde time so we are called to slow down and pause, allowing true insights flow thorough in the stillness. When we slow down we gain insight to our what our dreams are and how to reach them. This is the last new moon of the year, and we are called to reflect upon the new year. New moons bring great energy for starting new projects or routines, so this is the ideal time to take out that journal and make your New Year's resolution list! May all your dreams come true and may you hold fast to your new year's promises in 2017!
For this New Moon's listings, I chose to work with amethyst, hypersthene, hematite, sunstone, labradorite, green aventurine,and smoky quartz. I have 5 new creations to share this New Moon.

I would like to give a special thank you to this new moon's model, Ashley Oliver. I met Ashley through working at the Bauer Building. She is a photographer herself and works with
Jenny Wheat, one of Kansas City's talented commercial photographers. During the photoshoot, she gave me some major photography pointers. Ashley might be small in stature, but she's actually really strong. She was a body builder in highschool. That solid jasper globe is not easy to hold for long periods of time! Ashley was a delight to work with and we really had a great time during this photoshoot. It was shot at
2016 Main Event Space thanks to my awesome friends, Pat and Jodi who let me use their beautiful space.
Jodi Vander Woude is an incredible photographer as well, she specializes in weddings and some commercial. She's my mentor and I love working with her. It was really cool how so many photographers came together for this photo shoot. It was a photographer's dream come true! I hope everyone's dreams come true this December 29th New Moon!
The Native Americans called the December Full Moon the Cold Moon. This Super Full Moon is in my Sun Sign, Gemini, and it's all about communication. Geminis are ruled by Mercury, the Planet of Communication, so it's time for everyone to speak up and speak from truth. Here are what some of my favorite astrologers have to say about tonight's Full Moon.
Cafe Astrology
Mystic Mama
Astrology King

Each sign only gets one full moon and one new moon per year. So I decided to take advantage and switch things up this time. Instead of Full Moon Farewells, I'm launching 6 new products! A 2017 Moon Calendar and 5 new Heirloom Rings.

2017 Moon Calendar

Blue Topaz Marquise Nouveau Sterling Silver Ring

Blue Labradorite Marquise Rosegold Ring

Tiny Crescent Moon Conflict Free Diamond Ring

Rainbow Moonstone Marquise Solitaire Ring

Deep Blue Sapphire Nouveau Rosegold Ring
Happy Cold Moon and Happy Holidays!
The November 29th New Moon this Tuesday has brought much needed positive energy. This New Moon is in Sagittarius and reminds us to aim high towards our wildest dreams. It promotes creating harmony in relationships and brings positive energy to mend relationships that need repair. New moons bring the best energy for starting new things, so I launch new products with carefully selected gemstones each lunar cycle. For this new moon, I chose powerful raw stones and fossils for their natural beauty and paired them with rustic, primitive metal shapes. Accents like handmade African brass beads, leather and raw copper chain add to the primal feel of the collection. I felt like I dug deep into my primal past life roots for this 11 piece collection. There's something alive and real yet ancient and mysterious about each piece. I hope you enjoy this new moon's offerings.
Thank you Evyn Fulkerson for lending your beauty to this November New Moon's New Listings.
In addition to the New Moon Listings, I've also launched another #noDAPL protest piece. The Water Protector Pendant features a Missouri River Sapphire set in brass. I will donate $30 from the sale of each necklace to help the Water Protectors medical expenses and supplies.
The Missouri River is one of a total of 209 natural water bodies endangered by the Dakota Access Pipeline. I live just south of the Mighty MO in Kansas City and love this river dearly. I am honored by the bravery of the Standing Rock Sioux and other Water Protectors who are taking on rubber bullets, water cannons and concussion grenades in an attempt to stand up for civil rights and to keep our water clean.
November 14th, 2016
Tonight's full moon is a supermoon, the largest moon we'll see in 69 years. Not until November 25th, 2034, will we see another moon so large and bright. The term, "supermoon" refers to the moon when It's at perigee, it's shortest distance from earth, 226,000 miles away. It's going to appear to be 30% brighter and 14% bigger than the moon looks at apogee, it's farthest distance away from earth.
This full supermoon is in earth sign Taurus and Scorpio Sun and reminds us to get out in nature and get grounded. It's a good time to contemplate what we are truly grateful for in our lives. This quote from astrologer Leah Whitehorse beautifully describes this full moon's energy and inspired my Full Moon Farewell photo collage.
"Gemstones and crystals are created deep within the Earth, in darkness, under pressure. This Full Moon in Taurus, gives us a chance to appreciate the treasures gained from difficult circumstances, the beauty that is born from the Scorpionic depths of death and despair. Each life trauma unearths a jewel for the rich crown of wisdom. Now is the time to sit back, relax and enjoy the rewards."
So get outside, smell some roses and watch the supermoon rise!
4 pairs left
3 necklaces left
5 pairs left
Supermoon Sale!
Normally $107
On Sale for $80.25
Sale Ends November 28th
5" x 5" Print
Birthstones: Citrine and Topaz
Birthflowers: Peony and Chrysanthemum
Copper and Turquoise
$30 of each necklace will be donated to the protesters of the Dakota Access Pipeline. These funds will go towards supplies for the Water Protectors and the Standing Rock Sioux.
5" x 5" Print
October 30th New Moon Listings

The October 30th New Moon this Sunday has brought much needed positive energy. It was at 7 degrees in Scorpio and aligned with Mercury, which governs communication, and trined with Neptune, which governs dreaming. New moons bring the best energy for starting new things, so I launch new products with carefully selected gemstones each new moon. For this new moon, I chose silently powerful gemstones like Lepidolite and Malachite for their calming and transforming energies. I have thoroughly enjoyed my tiny stud earrings in my 2nd and 3rd holes, and thought you would enjoy them, too. There's new Heirloom rings as well, featuring conflict free diamonds and gemstones. Last but not least, there's a Clear Quartz Crystal Crown now available. I hope you enjoy this new moon's offerings.
~Special thank you to Mollie Kennedy, this lunar month's model~

Lepidolite and Labradorite Dream Necklace

Moonstone Pendulum Necklace

Malachite and Labradorite Cage Necklace

Conflict Free Blue Diamond Studs

Raw Garnet Crytsal Studs

Herkimer Diamond Studs

Raw Grey Cube Diamond Studs

Conflict Free 5 Black Diamond Band

Conflict Free Yellow Rosecut Diamond Band

Dinosaur Gembone Rosegold Solitaire Ring

Triple Clear Quartz Crown

Until the next new moon,
November 29th, 2016
Traditionally, the full moon in October was called the Hunter's Moon because it marked the time for the Native Americans to go hunting to stock up for the winter's months. In Kansas City, the full moon actually takes place tonight, at 11:25 pm Central Time Zone, but most of the world will celebrate the full moon tomorrow. While some are also calling it a "Super Moon", it's actually more of a "Mega Moon" as it takes place when the moon is at its closest point to Earth in its 27-day lunar orbit. A "Super Moon" refers to the moon that is closest to the Earth in it's 365 day lunar orbit.
Full Moon Farewells
Going forward, each Full Moon I will announce any close out items as well as offer discounts. Most of these discounts will be applicable to particular items or series of items. But, because this is one of the first Full Moon Farewells, I would like to celebrate and offer a website wide discount! Also, since this particular full moon falls on two days, this is a 2 day sale!
Saturday 15th - Sunday 16th
30% off Sale
Use Code:
Full Hunters Moon
There are only 5 left of these stackable sterling silver rings. With 30% off, they're only $28.70!
Natural Druzy agate electroplated with titanium look other worldly mixed with rosegold. Inspired by Phobos and Demos, Mar's small, irregular shaped moons, there are only 4 pairs left. With 30% off, they're only $30.10.
The Stardust Necklace is made with raw conflict free chocolate diamond crystals set in epoxy resin and sterling silver. The pendant is hand carved and can be worn either way as the other side has an almost faceted texture. It's on 16 inches of dainty rosegoldfilled chain with a two inch extender chain. There are only 3 left. With 30% off, they're only $67.90.
This September 30th new moon marked a new beginning for Gigi Moon! I have been spending a lot of time working on creating balance in my personal and professional life. I decided that I need more rhythm to create balance. What better rhythm is there than that of the moon? So, starting this month, I've implemented a new business plan in sync with the moon cycles. From now on, every new moon, I'll list new products, and every full moon, I'll announce closeout sales and other discounts. Every waxing and waning period I will be tackling a behind the scenes To Do list to help keep the rhythm going.
In addition, I'm making improvements to my website so it will be unavailable at times throughout the month. My
Etsy shop will remain open and you can stay informed on my progress via my
Facebook and
Other Changes:
I do not have regular business hours
I am open every First Friday from 6-9pm & for open studio events
Everything I post on my Instagram is now purchasable
At this time, I am not accepting custom orders until further notice
Here's a look at a few of this Black New Moon's new listings:
The next full moon is October 16th! Stay tuned to my Instagram, Facebook and Etsy to see what goes on sale.
Each month I will create a photo collage using birthstones and birth flowers. October's includes:
Birthstones: Opal & Pink Tourmaline
Flowers: Marigold and Cosmos
This print is available to purchase:
Birthstone Offerings
Each month, I'll offer products in both the traditional and zodiac birthstone categories. This Opal ring is a limited edition item. There are only 2 more available.
It's been almost a whole year since my last visit to Austin, TX. I've been there many times over the past seven years for
SXSW and to sell my former company's products, Scarlet Garnet Jewelry, at the
Renegade Craft Fair. These trips were amazing! I heard tons of live music, enjoyed Austin's culinary scene, fell in love with the
grackles, witnessed the
bats fly out from under the Congress Avenue Bridge at sunfall and even witnessed Val Kilmer eating tacos at
Guero's I felt that these trips created a true sensation of the pulse of the city. It was alive and weird and I loved it!.
The infamous Grackle, they look prehistoric to me and fight for their food and territory like their dinosaur ancestors would. They are loved and hated, mostly because they will take food directly off your plate if you are not careful. They make prehistoric sounds, too. Their calls are part of what make up the sound of Austin, TX.
Bat Bridge
Although these trips were fun, they don't even compare to the trip I just experienced. This current trip introduced me to a different side of Austin, one that I believe is a more authentic experience. I was given a guided tour by one of my best friends, Lauren Pascale, to see many of Austin's natural water holes and excursions. I also got a chance to go hunting for the Texas State Stone, Blue Topaz.
Lauren, who's been a best friend of mine since drama class Freshman year of high school, has lived in Austin for over 6 years now. During her time there, she has performed as a musician at several of the "watering holes" of Austin, while also spending a lot of her days off relaxing at the true watering holes of Austin. I had no idea there were so many to experience! I also had no idea that one could mine for the Texas State Gemstone, Blue Topaz, only a mere two hour drive away from Austin. This trip was exactly what I needed - digging in the earth and swimming in her natural bodies of water. Batteries. Fully. Recharged!
Here's a recount of the best five days I've ever spent in Austin, Texas in chronological order:
I didn't take any pictures as I was tubing down a river and it was not compatible with my Iphone. But, if I had taken a photo every time I wanted to, you would see the complex root systems of the bald cypress trees lining the river's edge, turtles sunning themselves on the river banks, and gorgeous river rock beaches sprinkled along the river's edge. The photos below are ones I found on the Interwebs to give you an idea of how awesome this tubing adventure really is. It costs $19 per person to rent a tube and hitch a ride on the bus. You can rent a cooler tube for all your beer and food desires. If you are in need of extreme relaxation, this is the place for you! Just make sure to get there early if you want a truly relaxing experience. It gets a bit crowded in the afternoons and turns in to college kid soup.
This image captures the turtles sunning themselves and the bald cypress tree roots. Next time, I'm buying a disposable waterproof camera.
We took a day trip up Highway 71 North to Llano and then took State Highway 29 West to Mason, TX. From here, we were instructed to call Mark, the man who owns Bar M Ranch, for exact directions to his land. When we arrived, Mark was waiting in his pickup with his ranch dog to greet us. The ranch, which has been in his family since 1920, has a 10% topaz find rate but a about a 50% find rate for native american arrowheads, clear quartz and smoky quartz. You pay $15 a day to dig, and $6 to rent tools for the day. Mark explained that the stones will become dislodged after rain and will flow down the creek beds. They will get stuck in the bendy areas of the creek and will settle into the bottom of the creek, just above the clay area. Larger rocks on top of the bends in the creek bed are a good spot to dig.
Armed with this map, a metal screen, shovel, straw sun hats, a bottle of water and sun screen, Lauren and I went off to dig for topaz.
Lauren and I pre Topaz Hunt.
Due to the heat, we only dug for an hour. We didn't find anything but the experience was totally worth it. We were both a little disappointed but weren't willing to keep going in the heat. If I were to do this again, I would camp out for a few days, which Bar M Ranch allows for a day rate, and dig in the early morning and late evening. As were were heading back to Austin, we drove back through the quaint little town Mason, TX. I saw a sign that said "Topaz" and asked to stop.
Inside, I found the largest Mason County Topaz ever found and cut into gem size!
I couldn't afford it so I settled for these instead:
Although I didn't find them myself, they were found by a local rock hound and are authentic Mason County Topaz. They're mostly clear, three are a little cloudy, one of them even has a rainbow. I'm keeping the big one in the middle for myself but will make rings out of the other seven. Keep an eye on my
Instagram to see what I make from them.
Man Made waterfalls
These tiny fish bite! Not hard, but it will startle you.
I met up with artist,
Calder Kamin, on day three of my trip. A
KCAI Alumni, Calder and I met while both living in the Columbus Park neighborhood in Kansas City, MO. We lived on the same block, a few apartments away. Calder is a native to Austin and moved back there from KC a few years ago. She offered to take me to Barton Springs, a naturally spring fed pool located in the center of the city. The pool is over 3 acres large and an average of 65 - 70 degrees farenheight year round, perfect for the scorching summers of southern Texas. The pool is home to the endangered
Barton Springs Salamander, and is a federally protected habitat. Afterwards, we ate tacos at
Polvos, an Austin tex mex staple, which is known for it's salsa bar with pickled vegetables.
After lunch, Calder took me to an amazing bead store called
Bead It on Lamar Street. It's the largest bead store in Austin and I was very impressed with their vast inventory of vintage offerings. I normally don't use glass unless it's Ancient Roman glass but I'll make exceptions for vintage German and Czech glass from time to time. I scored some awesome pieces and plan to make an "Ode to Austin" collection from them for my July 1st First Friday. Here are my finds:
Antique Czech glass from 1920's
Antique German "Lobster" glass from the 1940's
Antique Japanese Glass from 1930's
Vintage Swarovski Crystal Ship pendant from 1950's
Antique Japanese lucite with warrior face from 1940's
Antique German glass with rhinestone from 1940's
Antique German glass from 1940's
Antique bone mah jong game pieces, 1920's
Keep up with my progress on the "Ode to Austin" mini line on my
Instagram. I'm thinking rings for a lot of these pieces but we'll see how the creative energy flows. I am so excited to have found such wonderful antiques to play with.
Barton Creek winds its way through the city and Gus Fruh is right in the heart of Austin. The trail head entrance is in a neighborhood, and you have to hike not quite a mile down a gorgeous trail to get to the creek. During rainy season, the creek fills up with water and stays full for at least half a year. The water is shallow at parts but can get up to 15 feet deep at others. There are some natural springs and waterfalls along the way. People come here to relax, picnic and play. Follow this link to a map that will take you there:
Gus Fruh
These piles of rock form the "kiddie pool" area.
The rocky beaches aren't too bad until the afternoon sun heats up the rocks.
The pebbles you see in this photo are what make up the bottom of the creek bed, mixed in with larger stones. The rapids at Gus Fruh made wearing flip flops in the water impossible and going barefoot really hurt the arches of my feet. so I wore my hiking boots in the water, although I recommend river sandals. As Calder says, "It's Teva Country here in Austin". It's worth investing in a pair for this trip!
It's my last day in Austin, and I didn't have to be to the airport until 3:30pm. Lauren read my mind and offered to take me on one final natural water adventure, Twin Falls. Also on Barton Creek, the Greenbelt, Twin Falls was exactly what I needed for my final moment in the Austin sun. To get to Twin Falls, you have to park off the side of the highway and find the trail head. Follow this link to get there:
Twin Falls and Sculpture Falls The hike was a bit longer and a bit rockier than Gus Fruh but it's well worth it. The water was the warmest out of all the natural water I had experienced on the trip. Although the creek bed was lined with pebbles and rocks, there was not much current so it was easier to go barefoot here than at Gus Fruh.
The stone trail to Twin Falls
Twin Falls, further along the same trail about another half mile you run in to Sculpture Falls
Return to Reality
After spending five days having natural water adventures in Austin, I was a little sad to return home to Kansas City. We have the Mighty Missouri River but not many inhabitable bodies of water to lounge in. I will cherish this trip forever and hope to make it an annual thing. Other than my plane ticket, and not counting the cost of the beads and topaz, I spent around $200 on this trip. It was the most affordable spa week ever! I want to give a huge thank you to Lauren, her man Luke and baby Arthur for showing me such a wonderful time in Texas! I made them pose for this picture after our dig as they reminded me of an Austin version of the famous
American Gothic painting.
Thanks for following my adventures. Stay tuned to my
Instagram to see how the "Ode to Austin" mini line takes shape.
Love and Light!
For someone who's legally named Garnet, it shouldn't seem ironic that I have been working with stones my entire life. From a little girl who's eyes were always on the ground, hoping to add to my rock collection, to an adult who is lucky enough to have created a profession that allows me to play with gemstones all day, stones are everything to me. I had always heard about the metaphysical properties of gemstones, but I was hesitant to believe in them at first. Until the stones started to speak to me. They speak in subtle ways, not with words, but with vibrations. Each gemstone has it's own internal "soul matrix" based upon the energy life force inside. Some stones have high vibrations, like moldavite, others have slow, peaceful vibrations, like black tourmaline. If you hold them in the palm of your hand, you can feel their energies.
Clear Quartz, the all powerful healing stone
When we find that we are attracted to a certain stone, it's because the stone's vibration is matching the vibration of our energy at that time. I see this in action every time someone asks me which stone they should buy. I always ask them to tell me the first stone they were attracted to. Then I tell them that stone's properties and they are always amazed that it's exactly the stone they need at that time. The gemstones' energies are very healing and if we use gemstones as therapeutic tools, we can reach our goals faster. For example, a broken heart always takes time to heal. If someone wears or keeps rose quartz on their person, the stone of self love, healing, compassion, and forgiveness, they're broken heart will mend faster. Not only are gemstones powerful healing tools, they're also nature's history books, holding the story of our planet and the creation of the Universe inside. They are the cosmic connectors, allowing us to speak to our spirit guides, our higher selves and to connect with other realms.

Moldavite, high vibrational "alien" stone
Once I began to introduce gemstone healing into my own life, I could see and feel first hand just how effective they are as little, magical tools. I felt a duty to become an expert so that I could help others benefit from gemstone healing. I began reading books and websites about gemstone metaphysical properties and immediately hit a wall. Every resource I consulted cited some similar but also some vastly different properties for each stone. My intuition told me that some of the sources were incorrect and some were right. How was I to know what to take seriously and what to tell my customers? Then it hit me. The one common theme among the gemstone therapy was color. The color of the stone tethers to the chakra color. So down another rabbit hole I went.
I began researching everything I could get my hands on about gemstone chakra healing. Everything I learned through chakra color therapy was consistent and logical. So, I decided then and there that I would provide my own metaphysical properties of the gemstones using a blend of my own intuition, chakra gemstone color therapy and the culmination of my 7 years of gemstone research. In addition, I wanted to educate my customers on the every day use of chakra gemstone healing. I used myself as a test subject. My research had led me to the knowing that my root chakra was under-active so I decided to work on it. Our root governs our survival, fight or flight response, our place within family and community, basic needs, etc. To bring balance back to my root, I used chakra healing for a period of two weeks. During that time, I wore a pair of garnet earrings and the color red every day. I also ate root chakra foods like beets and potatoes and root herbs like rosemary. I also made sure to get outside in nature, digging in the Earth is the BEST way to root ourselves with Gaia energy. After two weeks, my root chakra was balanced! It totally worked and I felt more grounded than I have felt in a very long time.

The inspiration for my new line was born. I had a vision of personifying each chakra in human form for the Chakra Gem photo shoot. I spent hours researching my favorite stones for each chakra and flew to the Tucson Gem and Mineral show in February to source them. I chose to focus on the use of white for the photo shoot. If you combine paint in all the colors of the rainbow together, you get a grey brown mess. However, if you combine all the colors of the rainbow of light together, it creates white. Using white for the back drop and for the outfits best allowed the colored light to reflect off each model. I commissioned Kate E. Burke to create the custom pure white kimonos seen in the Chakra Gems photos.
Continuing the theme of white, I chose sterling silver and stainless steel as the metal palette. I like the juxtaposition of the soft, double layered dainty sterling silver chain with the thick, yet smooth stainless steel chain. I wanted to remind everyone that even though we are fragile, soft and tarnish-able like sterling silver, we are also strong and parts of us are impenetrable, like stainless steel. That the power to heal ourselves truly does come from within and that even though we tarnish, we can always find internal strength to shine ourselves back to bright light. When our chakras are out of balance, this leads to mental, emotional and physical weakness, eventually resulting in illness. It's so important to be both self aware and also aware of the chakra energy systems to stay in balance.

I had recently met and befriended Jodi Vander Woude, a local wedding photogrpaher who has 20+ years of professional photography experience. I was honored when she agreed to work on my project! Not only is she extremely talented, she's also incredibly resourceful. She problem solved the colored light situation we used in the photoshoot as well as provided the gorgeous 2016 Main Event Space, where her studio is located, for the photoshoot location. We had a ton of fun playing around in the woods in the Northeast getting the product shots for the line.
Jodi in action
Behind the scenes with Madison Joy, Third Eye Chakra Model
Jodi's intern, Jordan, assisted by shining one of the four colored lights on each model.
Jodi had a moment of inspiration while we were roaming around the woods in Northeast KC and asked me to stop and pose.
I also invited my friend and henna artist, Melanie Kasten, to collaborate on the chakra photo shoot. She went so far as to create henna designs for each chakra and spent several hours the night before the shoot working on each model.
I carefully chose the models based upon who I thought embodied each chakra. Luckily, I have beautiful friends who agreed to model for my new line. They were the PERFECT choice and I am so thrilled with the final results! From Root to Crown, here's the new Chakra Line:
Model: Tara Milleville
Model: Jesse Molina
Model: Alessandra Dzuba
Model: Garnet Griebel Booth
Model: Jill McKeever
Model: Madison Joy
Model: Kristen Wolf
The line launched on May 3rd at 2016 Main Event Space.
Chakra Gems is the smallest line I've ever created but I put more heart and soul into it than any other line I've ever produced. Gemstone and Chakra healing works! I'm so honored to get to play with gemstones every day and to use my skills and knowledge to help people heal themselves. Please take a moment to educate yourself about chakra healing.
Madison Joy, the Third Eye Chakra model, giving intuitive palm readings. Jesse Molina, the Sacral Chakra Model, started off the launch with a chakra aligning mediation and yoga class.
I used my personal rock collection to display the Chakra Gems.
Not pictured are the chakra healing foods I served at the event. I made a game out of telling people to figure out which food went with what chakra using the educational cards I made for the line.